
Thursday, January 24, 2013

I'm BAA-ACK!!! And 18 THINGS

I can't believe I've trudged my way back here. There were times I thought I might never make it. So a big WUZZ UP my friends!!! I have missed you so!

How can I miss you, but stay away, you ask? Weell, let me just tell you, it has to do with severe burn out. I've learned some things about myself this past month or two since I've been gone. I've learned that we are NOT all created equal.

I thought I could do it!

I thought I could do a massive GUTGAA blogfest, help with two others, go to Disney for Thanksgiving, beta read a manuscript, multiple query critiques, Christmas, shopping, travelling, New Years hoopla, kids school crap and a pretty large and in charge revision of my my own.

Yeah, not so much. I started to beat myself up over it. I mean some of you all do stuff like this on your lunch break, but *insert major sigh* I am not that person.

And I'm cool with that now. Just so you know I still love you all. You were in my thoughts constantly:)

Now that I am back, I want to give my buddy Jamie Ayers a major shout out!

Don't you love that cover?!

To kick off this crazy cool day right, you can join in the 18 Things BOOK BOMB. Don't know what that is? Go HERE to check it out! I'm so totally excited for her! I wish her the best in so many ways!!!

You should totally go buy this book. I am! Here are the links:

Now for the big question. What's everyone been up to while I've been away? I would seriously love to hear and and ALL the news!