
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Let the Cyber Hugs Fly!

Happy Heart Day, Loverlies!

On Monday I announced that I'm turning February, the month of hugs and kisses, on its tail and giving it to you all. My hubs doesn't mind:)

I challenged you on that same day to gush about yourself. And what great gushes they were.

Today, I want to give you the chance to shoot your cupid arrow into the heart of anyone in the writing industry that you respect, admire, want to be like. The choice is yours.  

I'll break the ice and get us started.
I have heaps of love for...
My Pied Piper critique pals
My beta buddies Emily, Sharon, Lora and soon to be Alex:)
My agent, Sarah Lapolla
Sarah's other clients who I admire, stalk & totally look up
Agents and editors who take the time to offer guidance
Cupid and her agent connecting contests (as well as all the others who host pitch contests)
Authors who write addictive books that inspire
NanoRevMo buddies
Social media peoples who motivate
Writers conference friends

And last but not least I'm a better writer because of YOU ALL! I'm continuously motivated and inspired by your journeys. You make me want to be better! Mucho LOVES and HUGS!!!!!

Now it's your turn. Who has impacted you in the writing world that you can't go another day without recognizing? Shout em out and spread the word. Let's make today a total love fest! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Month of Lurve. . . .

Oh February! It's here and passing quickly. The month of love, of togetherness, of celebrating each other. And I want to do just that.

I am dedicating this month to you!

That's right. I want all my posts this month to be about other writer's successes. Because you know what? We all deserve it. This writing road is freaking hard and stressful and up and down and round and round....and so completely worth it! Don't you think? I'd love it if you stopped by from time to time and gave a big ole cyber hug of congrats to the writers that will be spotlighted.

And just so everyone will get their moment to share in the smooches and squishes being doled out, I'm going to have a LOVE SHOUT OUT. Is there anyone in your writing world that means the world to you? Stop by on Valentine's Day and let them know how much they mean to you.

So let's start the gushing party, and let's start it with you. I know writer's aren't the best at paying themsleves compliments, but today you MUST.

What milestones have you reached on your 
 writing journey that deserve to be shouted from the rooftops? It can be anything. Have you started your first novel, found a critique group, gotten a book deal? Tell me all the things! Because I want to give you all the love!