Today you get to share in my girl crush because Sharon has stopped by for a guest post. In light of her upcoming novel she's throwing a blog tour and has been kind enough to include me in the fun.
Soooo, without further ado, I give you Sharon Bayliss: Writing Alternate History (It's Not For Pansies)....
confession time. I'm not a history buff. In school, I liked history at
least more than math, but I've always been more interested in the
present and future. So, why did I write an alternate history? Probably
because I love to make things hard for myself. :) But, I suppose if I'm
allowed to change history into whatever I want and add a touch of magic,
it's a lot more fun.
The flag of the Texas Empire, based on the first official flag of the Republic of Texas. |
My alternate history fantasy, The Charge, is set in an alternate present day North America and in this reality, the state of Texas never joined the United States and instead became it's own nation. For those of you who know American history, this possibility would have been unlikely, but it is based on reality. Texas was an independent nation from March 2, 1836, to February 19, 1846. So, it follows that inquisitive types might wonder what would have happened if Texas never joined the U.S.
The Charge isn't
meant to be a realistic theory of what might have happened if Texas
stayed it's own nation, it's meant to be more of a fantastical
"what-if". For starters, the first President of Texas in my alternate
history had supernatural powers, so I play pretty fast and loose with
reality. :) However, that doesn't get me off the hook research-wise.
actually did my research after I finished writing the story, and that
strategy worked for me. An interesting alternate history is all fine and
good, but if you want a story that people actually want to read, (and
by "people", I mean more than just history teachers) the plot and
character development are far more important than an clever "what-if"
my general readership may also include some history buffs. Every time I
thought about getting lazy with my research, this fictional alternate
history geek would pop into my mind and start pointing out my mistakes.
you want to do an alternate history, you really have to sit down and
re-write history. My history deviates in 1836, so anything that existed
before then gets to stay the same. Everything that happened after that
is called into question. I wrote the timeline of all the big events that
happened from 1836-2013 in my alternate world. I had to consider how my
change would have impacted real events like the Civil War and The Great
Depression and had to come up with likely new wars and important
you're writing an alternate history, I suggest going through your novel
with a fine-toothed comb and looking for any references that could
possibly have been altered by your change in timeline. Places, events,
brand names, political figures, basically any proper noun. Cities were
an obvious issue. For example, Sam Houston does not exist in my timeline
so there can be no city called Houston in Texas. And then there are
smaller things. I realized that using the term "African-American" to
describe race didn't make sense when I was referring to a Texas
resident, they would technically be an "African-Texan".
you're creating new events, I suggest modeling real world events. It's
easier to make events seem plausible when they are similar to real
things that have happened. No one can say, "that would never happen", if
actually did or almost did. I used a lot of Cold War parallels to
describe the twentieth century conflicts between the U.S. and the Texas
Empire, but my Cold War got hot. Instead of the Red Scare, I have the
"Blue Scare," a wave of irrational and intense hatred of Texas. And I
use the Cuban Missile Crisis as a model for the events that led to the
U.S. bombing the Texas Empire. The main difference is that in my
version, the disaster isn't narrowly avoided, it happens, and of course,
Castro is replaced with the current King of Texas.
History buff or not, writing an alternate history is not for the faint of heart. Expect to spend some time with your nose a history books. But I have to say, I had a blast and I loved the challenge. And I have plenty of information in the timeline I created that never comes up in The Charge, so I've got lots of good stuff left to use for later installments or possibly even a prequel.

Bayliss is a native of Austin, Texas and works her day job in the field
of social work. When she’s not writing, she enjoys living in her
“happily-ever-after” with her husband and two young sons. She can be
found eating Tex-Mex on patios, wearing flip-flops, and playing in the
mud (which she calls gardening). You can connect with Sharon at , and
About The Charge:
King of the Texas Empire kidnaps Warren's brother, Warren embarks into a
still Wild West to save him. On his journey, he makes a discovery that
changes his life forever—he and his brother are long-lost members of the
Texas royal family and the King wants them both dead.
gets help from an activist Texan named Lena, who's itching to take on
the King and happens to be a beautiful firecracker Warren can't stay
away from. Convincing her he's not one of the bad guys becomes harder
when a mysterious energy stirs in his body, turning his brain into a
hive of emotions and memories—not all his own.
legacy of violence is not all he inherited from the brutal Kings of
Texas. The myth that the royal family possesses supernatural powers may
not be myth at all.
Gone are the days when choosing a major was a big deal. Now Warren must save his brother and choose whether or not to be King, follow a King, or die before he can retire his fake ID.
Doesn't that sound sooooo good? Here are some pretty fabulous links to get your paws on this book....
The Charge - a Rafflecopter giveaway
Purchase Links:
NetGalley (free review copies):
What do you all think about writing alternate history?
What do you all think about writing alternate history?