
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

March Madness and Agent Spotlight!

What is up? Thanks for all the well wishes last week! I am still not 100% but at least I'm out of the dang sickbed:)

So it's almost March! Can you believe it? I can't! I've got a birthday this month and a 1 year blogoversary to celebrate (which was actually last week but who's counting?). So be prepared for some kind of fun giveaway coming soon.

March is also March Madness and no, I don't mean the basketball tournament, even though... GO BIG BLUE UK WILDCATS!!!!!

That said, I am actually talking about this fun little deal where you focus on a project and write your butt off the whole month of March.

  Check out the directions if you want to join in HERE and HERE. I'm doing it and hope we can root each other on.


And now for my AGENT SPOTLIGHT!
Since I have recently become obsessed with Twitter thanks to TweetDeck, I have picked an agent who is a pretty kick-butt tweeter.

She is currently interested in the following genres: Romance (historical, romantic suspense, paranormal, category, contemporary, erotic), urban fantasy, women’s fiction, mystery, thrillers and young adult as well as some select non-fiction. 

If you haven't checked her out on TWITTER you should! She often does #askagent sessions just because she like to be helpful. Love those!

If you need more reasons to love her, here is an INTERVIEW.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Writer's Butt Update #2

I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet folks, because not only did I get the nasty funk this week--you  know the one where your throat is like sand paper and your nose stops working--but I also woke up this morning with the puke bug. BLEH!

So on to Writer's Butt Update #2:
I lost 5 more pounds!!! Woo hoo for me! I haven't been working out as much as I should and I didn't eat very well this past week from being sick, but I'm still trying to eat lots of fruits and veggies and as I sit at the computer, I drink water and take breaks to get up and move.

I think that's all I can manage in this post. Talk of food and movement is making me turn green. I'm off to go hug the toilet...again.

What are you doing this month to banish Writer's Butt from your life? I may be sick, but I'd still love to hear.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Agents and Halflings...not necessarily in that order

I can't begin today's post without first thanking everyone for their comments on my last post. Your opinions are soooo important and it really helped me figure out whether I should move on with a new idea or start book two of my current WIP. I've decided to plot the new idea and once I begin querying Ripple Effect, I will write the new idea. I already have a name: Beneath the Stairs. So THANK YOU!!!

Alrighty, on to my post...

Anyone who follows Jamie Ayers blog knows she is doing a 1st page critique contest (and you still have until Wed if you want to get in on it). The one doing the critique will be debut author Heather Burch who had her fabulous book, Halflings, come out in January anywhere books are sold.

Here is an excerpt:

Hunted by men and demons ...
Seventeen-year-old Nikki must entrust her life to three half human, half angel young men; the Halflings are sworn to protect her at all costs, but when two fall for Nikki, it puts more than their lives in danger; their very eternal souls hang in the balance.
Sounds pretty cool to me. What do you think?
I think I need to pick this book up:)
As I told you a while back I was going to start highlighting a lovely agent here on my blog for those on the dream agent search. My first agent is Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency.
Aside from her being a work horse in the industry, she is also extremely sweet!
From the Seymour site, this is what she's on the prowl for:
 Do you have the next book to feed her habit? A smart, tight read she won’t be able to put down? A signature voice she’ll fight to represent?
HEA’s are a must for romance. Mainstream suspense, thrillers, mysteries, YA and inspirational novels are welcome. A consummate science geek and card-carrying Mensa member, Nicole would love to find the next great science fiction/fantasy novel or action/adventure masterpiece. 
Here are some interviews Nicole has done:
And here is how you SUBMIT TO HER
If you would like to stalk her (in the most professional way) check her out on TWITTER
Good Luck!
From first page critiques to looking for agents...where are you on your writer's journey and are you happy where you are?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Free For All!

I'm needing some writerly opinions, so naturally I'm coming to my blog buddies for help.

We'll call this the question of the week.


You finish a wip then send it out into the world for a little beta lovin'. While you're sitting around returning the beta favor or reading books, maybe actually even experiencing life again, your writer juices creep up.

Oh you know what I'm talking about. They're the juices with side effects like bodyquakes, a constant glazed expression as you plan a 300 page book in your head and a perma-smile.

All because of your shiny NEW ideas!

You may have been trying to put a lid on them while you were finishing your last project, but they're plowing you down with reckless abandon right now.

My question then is this:

Do you take one of these new, fresh ideas and mold it into something right away, or do you put it on the back burner and continue working on what could be book number two for your recently finished piece?

I hear some say, let your creative juices flow. You never know if your current wip is even going to catch an agent's eye.

Others say, no, do book two because an agent is going to want to see what you have planned after book one.

I'm a query newbie so I I have no idea which is the best route....if there really is one. So please sound off.

Which would you choose. Write the new book or continue the series?

And for those of you who say both, well, I bow down to you:)

Have a great weekend peoples!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is it getting hot in here? Blog Hop

Hello love birds! I hope you all are having a fabulous Hearts Day:)

Look, I know the real reason you're here. It's for the hot juicy action! Hope and Cassie were thoughtful enough to know we needed to heat things up this Valentine's Day so they put together a super spicy blogfest.

To get in on the swoonworthy fun go HERE.

Here is what we are supposed to do:
Please share one of your favorite kissing scenes from a book you've read, from your own WiP, make one up, or write about one of your own memorable kisses. Then hop around to feel how sweet, romantic, or downright steamy other characters are getting smooched!

I chose to share a kissing scene from Colleen Houck's Tiger's Voyage.

My favorite kinds of kissing scenes are often times the ones that lead up to the mega kiss. I love the emotional flirting, those, "Oh my gosh, is this really gonna happen?" moments.

This is one of those to me:

          "Give it a rest Shakespeare. I'm not a shrew to be tamed. Like I told you last night, I'm dating Kishan now."
          "Really?" He stood and stalked toward me.
          All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I kept backing up until I hit the wall. He pressed his hands against it on either side of my head and leaned in close to me. I stubbornly thrust out my chin, refusing to be intimidated by him.
          "Yes. I am. It's a good thing I came here to talk with you about it anyway. I don't chasing me around or making things," I swallowed thickly, "difficult."
          Ren laughed throatily and leaned closer to nuzzle my ear. "You like me to be...difficult."
          "No." I groaned when he bit my earlobe. "I want my life to be simple and comfortable. And with Kishan it will be."
          "You don't really want something simple, do you Kelsey?" His lips pressed against the soft skin behind my ear, and I shivered. "Complication," he began trailing slow, teasing kisses down my neck, "is what makes life," he cupped the back of my neck and slid his hand into my hair, "exciting."
          I turned my face away, but he just took the opportunity to explore more of my exposed neck.
          "Love is complicated, iadala. Mmm, you taste delicious. Do you know how good it feels to be able to touch you without pain? To kiss you?" He pressed tingling kisses along my jaw, and whispered, "I want to drown in the pleasure of being close to you."
           I groaned and gripped his upper arms. Speaking of drowning, I was going under, and fast. Blinking open my eyes, I grabbed his shoulders, faced him, and used all my strength to push him away, but he only backed off a few inches.
         "That's it, Ren. I mean it. I want Kishan. Not you."
          His eyes tightened, but then shone with a wicked gleam. "I thought you'd never ask." Suddenly, he yanked me into his arms. One of his hands splayed against my back and the other slipped into my hair. He angled my head and crushed his mouth against mine....


          ....."Hmm," he trailed his finger from my temple down my cheek to my lips and touched the bottom lip lightly. "That's interesting."
         Sighing, I asked, "What's interesting?"
          "Despite you protestations, I would say that your lips definitely"

And then it goes from there. Love it! I can;t wait to check out the rest of the hot and heavy scenes. If you want to join me go HERE

I hope your V-day is as complicated and interesting as Kelsey and Ren's!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Monday!

Hey Ya'll! Yep, I'm from the south:) Just wanted to put a quick post up reminding everyone that tomorrow is V-day and of course the It's Getting Hot in Here Blogfest! It's gonna be spicy:)

Also, the second round of Cupid's Bouncer Judging is beginning and I would so love it if you wanted to pop over to my post (#65) and leave me a loverly comment. Also, let me know if your in it and I'll do the same for you.

And finally, in other contest news, Melodie's agent contest at Forever Rewrighting is beginning today too! So check it out:)

Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest - Day 3

Before we get into the final challenge for the I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest, I wanted to turn your attention to an awesome agent contest for those writers ready to query. Melodie from Forever Rewrighting has just landed an agent and she is feeling awfully thankful. Go check out her blog where she will be hosting a pitch contest with her new agent next week!

And now for the challenge....
I’m Hearing Voices
I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest is coming to a close and boy are Cassie and Angie wanting us to go out with a bang. Here is what we do:
Emotion Flash Fiction: Emotion is the engine of a story. Pick an emotion and in a flash fiction piece of 250 words MAKE us feel it! We want to connect with your character. This will be a challenge in 250 words.

I picked my MC, Kali. And because I suck at flash fiction, I used a small scene from Ripple with her and her mom.
          I peek through the bedroom door, but can’t see much. The only light comes from a tiny side lamp. Dust dances about the shade as if it celebrates even a fraction of luminescence in the room. Mom sits hunched over the small bedside table. Her back is to me, and her elbows are propped up, hands tangled in her hair.
        “Mom,” I whisper.
         No response.
         Walking closer, I speak her name again. She still doesn’t answer, but I see her shoulders tense. She knows I’m here and hasn’t yelled for me to leave, so I continue to approach.
         I am near enough to see she’s reading. It isn’t a book, but a letter. A familiar letter, the writing is too small, the paper too wrinkled with age to see what it says.
         "Mom, are you going to come downstairs for the party?” I pause. “I’m turning seventeen today.” My voice wavers and I sense a knot choke me mid-sentence. I take a deep breath, forcing the tears back. I don’t have time to reapply my makeup. The guests will be arriving any minute.
         It is best if I just leave. She isn’t talking today. I hesitate before turning around and reach out to touch her shoulder. Instead of making contact, it hovers mid-air before I drop it and walk out.
And that's it. What kind of emotion do you think Kali was feeling?

If you want to check out other blogfesters pieces go here.

Thanks so much Angie and Cassie for this fun blogfest!!! I had a blast:)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest - Day Two

I’m Hearing Voices

We're at it again! Day two of the I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest has begun and this one is all about dialogue.
The rules are simple: Introduce two of your characters using only dialogue. I chose Mole and Raven, two supporting characters in Ripple.

Ready. Set. Go.

"Just be the ball Mole, think like it and...shoot."

"Easy for you to say Raven. But I've got too many personalities in my head as it is. I don't want to be the stupid ball. This game sucks. I'm leaving."

"Where you gonna go? You're in a freakin' mental institution. All we have is our basketball court and some TVs hung from the ceiling."

"Can't you burn us out of this joint or something."

"Ummm that would be a big negatory. That's how I landed my butt in this hole in the first place."

"Fine. Give me the ball."

"Finally coming around. Here. Now, be the ball like I said."

"I'm not going to pretend to be this ball. It can't help me. It doesn't even think. I'm gonna crush you, you insignificant excuse for a ball."

"What the heck did you do that for? And where did you get that knife in the first place. We aren't allowed to have weapons here Mole."

"It's one of the butter knives from breakfast, genius."

"Yeah, well, your butter knife just ruined my day. Now I'll have to go watch Vampire Diaries re-runs. Thanks a lot Mole."

"You're welcome Raven. I knew you'd be happier without that stupid ball."


That was fun!
 If you want to go check out the rest, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest

I’m Hearing Voices

Who doesn't need a shrink at one time or another? Angie Cothran and Cassie Mae happen to think our characters could use some head help too! Don't you love it? So Day 1 of the I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest is taking our characters to the couch. Come with me on a journey into Alec's mind. He's my troubled pretty boy from Ripple.

Deana: Hello Alec. We have a couch over here. Won't you lie down?

Alec: Nah, I think I'll stand, but thanks for asking doll. You sure do look lovely by the way.

Deana: Oh Alec, its not gonna happen today. This day is all about you. So lets get started shall we?

Alec: Sure thing. I'm an open book.

Deana: We'll see about that. Alec, what would you say is your biggest vulnerability?

Alec: *Cough* Well, ah, you really know how to start a therapy session off don't you? I guess my answer would be an actual person. Her name starts with a K. I probably shouldn't say that since it's my brothers girl and all.

Deana: And that would have been my next question: Do others know this or is it a secret?

Alec: Yeah, not something I like to broadcast. Ruins my whole tough guy, I could give a crap less, image.

Deana: What would your best friend say is your fatal flaw and why?

Alec: *laughs* I don't have friends Deana, are you kidding? My brother can't stand me and Kali forgot she ever knew me soooo, I guess to answer that for myself, it would be that I am devastatingly handsome. It gets me into a lot of trouble. *wink* Hence the whole brother hating me thing.

Deana: *blushing slightly because he really is good looking* Alrighty then, since you have no friends, what would you say is your redeeming quality and why?

Alec: No doubt about it, I would lay down my life for my friends, family, the cause.

Deana: Wait. I thought you didn't have any friends?

Alec: They might not like me, but that doesn't mean I don't like them. *silence* Can we move on?

Deana: Sure. What do you want most?

Alec: Hmm, now that isn't so easy. I wish I could say to get the girl, but I'd really like to save the world too.

Deana: Can you pick one?

Alec: I suppose if I save the world I might get the girl too, so I'm going with save the world.

Deana: Okay, and what will you do to get that?

Alec: Almost anything. Even betray my own flesh and blood. Cause it's all for a good cause you know?

Deana: Yes Alec, I do know. Thanks for letting us get inside your head today.

Alec: Anything for you sweet cheeks.

Deana: Would you stop that already?

Alec: What? *smiles*

And that's it folks! To check out the other entries go HERE

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Friday Free For All

Happy Friday!
(Yes I am posting this on Thursday actually, but it's because of a blog hop (see below) and the link had to be up Thursday.)

Alright, I can't keep it bottled in any longer. I want to scream it from the hills how stinking awesome this blogging/writing community is!

First off, if you remember last Friday, I had my first Writer's Butt post and I asked for picture ideas.Well, wouldn't you know, awesome chick, Heidi Bolton said she was sitting in the carpool line and decided to draw me up something. And let me tell you; I LOVE MY NEW WRITER'S BUTT! Check it out....
Hehe! Thanks Heidi!!!

Another reason blogging rocks. I love checking in every month on Sharon Bayliss' blog, The Blue Word, because she gives us the lowdown on all the latest and greatest writing contests. Here is this months contest post (part 1) from Sharon 

I also got three awards this week! The above mentioned Sharon Bayliss (The Blue Word) and Martin Willoughby (From Sand to Glass) gave me the Kreativ blog award and Kelley Lynn (Between the Bookends) gave me The Two Thumbs Up From Skunk and Liebster awards.

Now instead of boring you all with loads of info about me. I am going to combine one thing about me you may not know and the one thing I like about myself (because that is what you're supposed to do for the Skunk award).

I have never had a cavity! Its a fact about myself and something I think is pretty darn cool about myself too:)
Thanks for the awards guys!

Now for my final Friday Free For All fun:

Juliana Brandt is doing a fun little blog hop where you do a scene and every line of dialogue is done in the form of a Tweet.  No more than 140 characters. So here is mine. Short and Sweet:)
Theme: Four years old and still not potty trained
My characters @potty training child, @mommy, @daddy
@mommy: Listen buddy, today's the day. Your going to poop in the potty. Yay!
@pottytrainingchild: Nope.
@mommy: Oh yes you are sweetie. # 2 is going in the potty. And its happening today. YAY!
@pottytrainingchild: Nope.
@mommy: Listen. If you don't go potty in the potty, I'm going to have to take you to the doctor.
@pottytrainingchild: Nope.
@mommy: And if you have to go to the doctor, you're going to have to get a shot. In you butt.
@pottytrainingchild: I gotta go potty mommy
@mommy: Yay!
@pottytrainingchild: *grunts* *grunts* *grunts*
@mommy: *whistle while trying not to look too hopeful*
@pottytrainingchild *plop* Mommy, poopy just came out my butt into the toilet.
@mommy: Yay yay yay yay!
@pottytrainingchild: I no go to the doctor to get a shot!
@mommy: Nope baby. I'm going to text daddy the good news! *texting good news*
@daddy: *texting back* Holy crap that is good news!
@mommy: *texting back* crap is right :)

Now you know another great thing that's happened in my life recently and it's about dang time! Hey, don't judge on the fake threat of a shot to the butt either. You do what you gotta do. The boys trained right?:)

Have a great weekend folks!