Who am I to worm my way into the blog-o-sphere and make great blog buddies only to leave boring blog posts once a week? No way! This isn't me, not normally. I love to blog, and I love all the wonderful...and I seriously mean WONDERFUL, people I've met so far.
So why, you ask, have I treated my blog like it's a dirty kids room that I would rather shut the door on than clean? Well, I'll tell you...
As I type this I have a Christmas tune buzzing in my head and cookies baking in the background.
I love me some Christmas, and I want my kids to love and cherish it as much as I do, so the hubs and I pack tons of holiday, Christmasy, wintry goodness into each day, which, sadly, has left me giving my blog world the shaft.
So instead of scooting by with random posts about nothing for the next couple of weeks, I'm going to go on Christmas vacation. Meet me back here in the New Year (January 3rd to be more specific), if you will, and we'll get this party started 2012 style!
Until then, if you're searching high and low for a great book to give as a gift this Holiday, I would like to suggest the debut novel of one of my Critter partners (she's been there since I started on this crazy writing journey). She is a seriously excellent writer, and I couldn't be more proud of her and her work.
She's that awesome!
So pick up Fearless if you get a chance.

And on that note, I'm out!