Who doesn't need a shrink at one time or another?
Angie Cothran and
Cassie Mae happen to think our characters could use some head help too! Don't you love it? So Day 1 of the I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest is taking our characters to the couch. Come with me on a journey into Alec's mind. He's my troubled pretty boy from Ripple.
Deana: Hello Alec. We have a couch over here. Won't you lie down?
Alec: Nah, I think I'll stand, but thanks for asking doll. You sure do look lovely by the way.
Deana: Oh Alec, its not gonna happen today. This day is all about you. So lets get started shall we?
Alec: Sure thing. I'm an open book.
Deana: We'll see about that. Alec, what would you say is your biggest vulnerability?
Alec: *Cough* Well, ah, you really know how to start a therapy session off don't you? I guess my answer would be an actual person. Her name starts with a K. I probably shouldn't say that since it's my brothers girl and all.
Deana: And that would have been my next question: Do others know this or is it a secret?
Alec: Yeah, not something I like to broadcast. Ruins my whole tough guy, I could give a crap less, image.
Deana: What would your best friend say is your fatal flaw and why?
Alec: *laughs* I don't have friends Deana, are you kidding? My brother can't stand me and Kali forgot she ever knew me soooo, I guess to answer that for myself, it would be that I am devastatingly handsome. It gets me into a lot of trouble. *wink* Hence the whole brother hating me thing.
Deana: *blushing slightly because he really is good looking* Alrighty then, since you have no friends, what would
you say is your redeeming quality and why?
Alec: No doubt about it, I would lay down my life for my friends, family, the cause.
Deana: Wait. I thought you didn't have any friends?
Alec: They might not like me, but that doesn't mean I don't like them. *silence* Can we move on?
Deana: Sure. What do you want most?
Alec: Hmm, now that isn't so easy. I wish I could say to get the girl, but I'd really like to save the world too.
Deana: Can you pick one?
Alec: I suppose if I save the world I might get the girl too, so I'm going with save the world.
Deana: Okay, and what will you do to get that?
Alec: Almost anything. Even betray my own flesh and blood. Cause it's all for a good cause you know?
Deana: Yes Alec, I do know. Thanks for letting us get inside your head today.
Alec: Anything for you sweet cheeks.
Deana: Would you stop that already?
Alec: What? *smiles*
And that's it folks! To check out the other entries go