I've had two main questions come up that I will answer, as well as give the week to week deets for the blogfest. So let's get this party started shall we....
I don't think I'm quite ready for an agent, can I still join? Oh yea! This blogfest is gearing up to get an agent...if that is tomorrow great. If it is three, six, even ten years down the line, that's ok too. We are getting ready by building our platform, moving those creative juices in our brains and, if you are to the point, working on queries and submitting part of your novel to an agent for the final contests. You can join in on part, or all the fun...the choice is yours. There will be critique contests at the end of each week so even if you don't have a polished manuscript or query, you can still win a critique!
How much time is needed to go into this blogfest? As much or as little as you'd like. There will be four different mini-fests. As I said in the previous question, you can do one or all. It is up to you as well as the amount of time you take visiting other blogs, making connections and building your platform.
Now we're going to get down to the nitty-gritty. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, click on the button above or go here.
Here is the layout for the blogfest...
Week 1:
I Just had to ask...
What burning questions (about writing of course) do you have? It doesn't matter how ridiculous you think it may be, just ask. Post the question on your blog and we will hop around the blogs trying to help each other out. Discussions about topics on writing can really pump you up for your novel, plus you can make connections, follow one another, brainstorm platform building ideas...whatever. This will be our time to ease into the blogfest and get to know one another.
Giveaway for week 1: a critique overview of a picture book ($30 value), or an overview of the first 3 chapters of a YA or Mid-grade novel ($55 value) from Margot Finke, published children's book author and critique extraordinaire.
Week 2:
Story Chain
We are really going to get those creative juices flowing with the story chain.
Rules of the Story Chain
-I will create a list for the participants of this mini-fest, each will have a time they have to post their story by on their blog and a word limit of 50-100 words.
-Follow, make connections with as many in the chain as possible.
-The first in line will start the story having a certain theme and a few special words that have to be used.
-The next person in line will continue it with there own direction and words for which they have been assigned to take the story.
-Each theme will be pretty vague so the individual can really do their own thing and make the story unique.
-By the end of the day we should have a story...who knows how it will turn out:)
Giveaway at the end of week 2: Rach Harrie, Crusade guru will be giving away a double query critique! And by double I mean she will critique it not once, but TWICE. This should really get you geared up for week three...
Week 3
Query Critique Contest
I think this one is pretty self explanatory. If you are ready to query then we are ready to help.
-Monday post your query on your blog.
-We will hop around giving our input
-Tuesday take your polished query and email it to me deanabarnhart@gmail.com
-Wednesday I will pick top 5 or 10 depending on number of participants and post on my blog
-Friday agent gone writer, Lora Rivera will pick a winner and he/she will get a choice of query critique or a first 5 page critique.
One thing about Lora and her critiques...
She may not be an agent anymore, but she still thinks like one. She has told me her critiques are very thorough, therefore I believe they are extremely beneficial!
Week 4:
First 200 Words YA Novel Contest
Literary agent Kathleen Rushall of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency and author Monica B.W. (rep by Michelle Wolfson of Wolfson Literary Agency) have been awesome enough to help me host this contest! Sorry, but this contest is only for YA or mid-grade novels.
-Monday post first 200 words of your completed manuscript along with your name, title, genre and novel length
-Those participating and anyone else who wants to help can hop around giving constructive criticism
-Polish manuscript as you see fit
-Tuesday email your final submission to me
-Wednesday I will pick top 5 or 10 (depending on entries) and post on my blog
-Friday Kathleen will pick a first and second place winner
-1st place will win a query and first 30 page critique from her
-Second place will win a first 10 page critique from Monica
Do any of these sound like something you could dig your heels into? If so go here to sign up. Just give me your name, email address and blog and I will contact you the closer the contest to find out what weeks you want to participate in.You may want to sign up for email updates or rss feed updates to stay up on the latest and greatest info for the contest. Other than that, let the countdown begin!!!
Whew! That was a mouthful. Please let me know if you have any more questions. The closer we get to the big day, the more I'm sure I'll remember extra things and let you know.
Until then...
Keep writing. Keep learning.
hi gal! I found your blogspot today and am a new follower. I did not know this part of you, good to know! I love reading and writing also. I will come back and visit blog frequently.
If you have time, hop over to my blog:
I have family stuff and card/scrapbooking on mine!
We are a very talented family.
I'm so looking forward to this blogfest!! I fully intend to participate in every single week (because I'm a bit mad and obviously have FAR too much time on my hands) - the story chain in particular looks all kinds of awesome, I've always loved those!! This is going to be so COOL!!!!
I'm still making sure of my schedule (being near a computer) before I commit. I really want to do this!
I'll also have to see if I can work this into my schedule, but sounds great. Great marketing Deana!
Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing
Deana, can I say, yet again, how excited I am for this?!? Your description of the weeks are awesome. Can't wait!
Yay! I'm so excited that you all are excited:)
Anne- the story chain is what I am most excited about as well...I hope we come up with some crazy fun story idea!
Alleged Author and Karen- I really hope you both can make it if not for all then at least one:)
Juliana- aww your so sweet!
Sounds like a great blogfest! I'll be checking it out.
Hope to see you there Debbie!
Sounds very interesting! Good luck with it all! :)
wow, this is great! What a grat idea for a blogfeat!
What an awesome blogfest, count me in! I hope I can put my rhyming MG novel in the MG/YA contest. I do have a question, I am a bit nervous about putting so much of our stories on our blogs. Do agents mind if you have that much of your WIP pubished on your blog?
Hey Catherine! Kathleen is interested in MG novels so I'm sure that would be perfect:)
As far as putting that much of your novel on your blog, I was concerned about that with the first contest I entered as well, but it is only the first 200 words, which usually is only a couple of paragraphs so no, that isn't a problem. Deals have been known to even come out of contests like these...so good luck:)
Wow awesome looking blogfest!:O)
Now that we're going into week four, I read on your latest posting that picture books are open to submitting, but then in your first write up with each week described I see that only YA and mid readers for children were being looked at.
So, did picture books get tossed in or was it a typo?
Yes!Picture books are allowed now:)
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