Sunday, April 1, 2012

A to Z Blogger Challenge: Letter A


The challenge has begun! The lovelies over at A to Z Blogger challenge have put us bloggers to a test:

Start, beginning April First with a topic themed on something with the letterA, then on April second another topic with the letter B as the theme, and so on until you finish on April thirtieth with the theme based on the letter Z. It doesn't even have to be a word--it can be a proper noun, the letter used as a symbol, or the letter itself. The theme of the day is the letter scheduled for that day.

Sounds easy enough...except for the part where you need to blog daily! *eye pop* I'm up for it. I think. I'm ready to rock this challenge:)

You know why? Because I'm choosing to have a good ATTITUDE about it. For me, in writing and in life, ATTITUDE is a huge part of being successful. At least it is for me. If I have a crappy attitude, chances are I'm not going to write that day, or want to clean my house, or help someone in need or...well you get the picture. So I'm starting off this challenge with a kick butt ATTITUDE that I hope continues through the month!

What about you? How important is ATTITUDE to you in accomplishing your goals?


Unknown said...

Great topic! I agree - attitude is everything. We can chose to have a good one or not. I find the better my attitude the more productive I am in writing, and other areas of life.

Great post!
Michelle :)

mooderino said...

I tend to have a good attitude at the start of things. In the middle is where things get tough for me.

Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough

Kyra Lennon said...

Lots of people are posting about attitude today, which is good because it's a great topic! Attitude is so important in everything we do!

Jaye Robin Brown said...

I agree with Kyra - attitude is everything! And you can do it Deana.

Unknown said...

If you don't accept failure, anything is possible. :)

Stephsco said...

Attitude and discipline, for sure. Yesterday I was a hot mess with a cold (still am) but I sat slumped over my laptop for at least a few hours to make some progress toward my writing goals. I kept telling myself it was just a runny nose...

Kelley Lynn said...

I think attitude is one of the most powerful things for anything in life. With the right attitude, we can do it :) (Whatever 'it' is :))

Jasmine Walt said...

In my opinion, attitude is everything. If you go into something with the wrong attitude it can break you! I believe in the 'fake it til you make it' philosophy.

Great topic!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I agree with Jasmine - attitude is everything. Great post and happy A-Z blogging!!

Nancy Thompson said...

It's everything. Attitude can keep your spirits up or it can destroy you. You have to choose which attitude to hold on to.

Dani said...

Great start to the challenge! Attitude is key for everything in life!

Sarah Tokeley said...

As someone further up said, 'fake it til you make it.' If I can't quite manage the attitude I want, then i just pretend until it's real :-)

Unknown said...

Attitude is everything! Reminds me of THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

You can do this, Deana! I look forward to your posts. ^_^

Tasha Seegmiller said...

Ah, I have had a bit of a defeatist attitude lately - but changing that :) Great post.

Julie Flanders said...

Great choice for the letter A! Like Tasha, I struggle with a defeatist attitude, but it's something I'm working on changing.

Good luck with the challenge! I'm looking forward to your posts. :)

Julie Flanders said...

Great choice for the letter A! Like Tasha, I struggle with a defeatist attitude, but it's something I'm working on changing.

Good luck with the challenge! I'm looking forward to your posts. :)

Sari Webb said...

This is something I have to remind myself about quite often. I find myself getting down about my job, or the lack of hours in the day, or any number of things. Really I just need to give myself a kick up the bum and get on with it. Thanks for the reminder! :)

T.D. McFrost said...

Blogging everyday will be tough too, but I'm willing to give it a shot! 'Cause I gots ATTITUDE, man!

Martin Willoughby said...

Attitude is one of the most important facets of writing. A bad attitude can be an overly positive one as much as a negative one.

JLunievicz said...

Attitude is all. It can beat procrastination, sometimes. Great post!