Friday, November 19, 2010

Crazy Days

Why doesn't life ever go the way you anticipate?  It drives me crazy but I should be accustomed to that just being the way it is.
Here I had planned on moving to KY, getting settled, starting NANO, finishing my book edit and going to the ANWA conference in Feb.
The moving part did happen but so far not one other thing has.  My Grandmother, whom I wrote about on my Mom's The Glue blog, went to the hospital for a headache and was kept for a tumor on her brain that was recently removed through surgery.  I have been there most of my days so naturally there has been time for nothing else.  I would actually have it no other way, I'm thankful that we moved when we did so I could be with her and to help the family out as needed. 
Disappointment, however, looms large when I don't complete tasks.  Instead of beating myself up, I just need a plan.  That is something I plan to work on this weekend.

In other news I found out about a really cool contest I thought I would share with my few and far between readers.  I'm entering and good luck to you if you try it out too!

YA Novel Contest


x said...

Thanks for stopping by my neck of cyberspace. I'm glad you did! I've got a few books "in me" and from what I've read on your blog I have been inspired!


Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts, both on this blog and on Mom's the Glue!

I'd like to give you the Stylish Blogger Award!! Check out my blog ( for all the details! Have a great week!


Deana said...

Thanks Kim! I'm glad I inspired you:)

Carla, yay, thanks so much for thinking of me. I'm headed your way:)

Blueicegal ♥ said...

I hope everything's okay!!

Ottilie Weber said...

Hey! I really hope things get less chaotic for you! I nominated you for an award!

Mimi said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Like you I hope to see myself with a published book some time in the future. I am following now, hopefully you'll pass along some tips!