It brings me great joy as well as sadness to write this post. I'm thrilled because we have our winners for the Novel Contest and we have an extra treat as far as the contest goes, so I'm as giddy as giddy gets over that.
But with ups, there must be downs...or something like that. My downer is that this post will close out our month long Gearin' Up to Get an Agent Blogfest. I have met a load of fantastic, creative minds. I've learned a crap-load from you all (first and foremost, not to double space after a period--who knew?) and what can I say? I'm sad.
I can also say this was so much fun I am definitely thinking about making it an annual little venture. What do you think?
Okay, okay, enough blabbering from me. I know you finalists want to know who won so here we go.
Monica B.W. has picked her winner and it is....
AN Villasante
Congrats Alexandra! You have won a 10 page critique from Monica. I will get you her info to get in touch. Enjoy! Your writing is awesome clearly:)
Now on to Kathleen Rushall's pick...or shall we say picks. Yep, that's right. She said she had a VERY hard time picking a winner. So hard in fact that she struggled most of Thursday over it. Finally she settled on two and eventually one, but asked if I minded giving her the info of another lucky finalist so she could request a partial. Didn't I say you might want to have some finished work for this contest?
With that being said, Kathleen's winner is...
C. Lind a.k.a. LINDY
Lindy, you have won a query and 30 page critique from Kathleen!!! How cool is that? No doubt about it, top notch girl!
And our surprise runner up is...
Lisa Chickos
The Mermaid Gene
Lisa, I suppose you'd better look forward to an email from Kathleen in your inbox:)
I swear I feel like a proud mom or something. You all are wonderful! Thanks so much for being a part of all the fun. It wouldn't have been the same without you.
Congrats to ALL our winners throughout the four weeks!
I guess there's only one thing left to say.
Until next time...
Keep learning. Keep writing.
Congratulations to the winners and to everyone! And thank you so much to you, Deana - you hosted a fabulous blogfest and it's been so much fun meeting and reading so many creative people ^_^
Congratulations to the winners. This month was a lot of fun. Thanks, Deana!
Thanks Deana and congratulations to the winners. WEll deserved!!
Congratulations to Alexandra, Lindy and Lisa! And a big thank you to Deana for organizing this, and to the judges. Wow! It has been a great experience and I've learned a lot.
Well done on hosting a great blogfest Deana, and big congrats to all winners, and all participants.
Moody Writing
Excellent blogfest, Deana! I learned SO MUCH! Congrats to the very deserving winners!
Awesome blogfest Deana! So much to learn! Thanks for ALL your work.
Awesome! Congrats to the winners and thanks again for all your hard work, Deana!
I say next year for sure!
Happy writing!
Congrats to the winners! The blogfest has been a lot of fun and very helpful, thanks for hosting it Deana!
This aws AWESOME! Probably the best blogfest I've ever been a part of. It was a blast Deana! Congratulations to the fabulous winners!
Oh stop now, you all are gonna make me cry:)
Thanks guys!
And I agree once more on the big YAY for the winners!
Congratulations to the winners and thanks so much to Deana for hosting this awesome blogfest. I feel that bit nearer to publication thanks to this blogfest. And I look forward to getting to know all the blogfesters better :)
Thanks for sponsoring a fantastic event. I met loads of new folks & learned a lot, both by participating & by judging. It was a great month! So sad it's over.
I'm excited for the winners. You are a super star Deana for your successful blog-o-rama. I will definitely be participating next time.
A big congrats to the winners and to everyone who participated. :D I wasn't able to join, but I lurked a bit, and you all have got some fantastic stuff going on!
Deana, you're awesome for hosting such a great blogfest. Congrats to you, too, for pulling off so beautifully. :D
Oh my gosh, thank you soooooooo much for this, Deana! I just got my partial request from Kathleen, and I can't thank you enough for opening this door for me! You are amazing, and I'm really sad the blogfest is over. I learned so much, and I met so many amazing people... I feel like we are all one step closer, and it's all because of you!
Congrats to the winners! Thanks for hosting this blogfest, I enjoyed it!
Congratulations, everyone! And a huge virtual hug for you, Deana, for all you did to organize and make this blogfest one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done for my writing career.
Hooray for the winners! Deana, you did an excellent job hosting this blog fest. :)
Congrats to the winners! I just wish there could have been more. There were so many fantastic books!
I say a big YES to a yearly blogfest! Deana, you're a fantastic hostess with the mostess.
Yay Lisa! You have to keep us updated! All the winners, I'd love to hear where your road take you after this fest.
As for next year, I'm thinking even more chances to have success. I can't wait!
Thanks guys!
Thanks for hosting Deana - it was a lot of fun and I doubled my blog followers!
Congratulations to the WINNERS.
Also, Deana, You're a WINNER from my Walking Through Walls July book tour. You left a comment on my first tour stop.
You won a $10 gift card from Amazon.
My email is karencioffi [at] ymail [d o t ] c o m
Thanks, Karen
JRo that is fabulous! And you couldn't get better followers in my opinion:)
Karen- Yay! I love it:)
Hi, dropping in from Lindy. I think the contest provides an amazing forum for writers, and I'm happy "Lindy" won.
I look forward to reading more of your posts.
Mila from http://hereundertherainbow.blogspot.com
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