I know. Very cool.
In other news, as some of you may know I am going to my first writer's conference next weekend! I can hardly wait. Because of said conference I will not be doing Firsts Fridays for the next two weeks so I can get some prep time in. When FF's returns on the 23rd you will so want to be here because I've got Jenn Johannson and she just signed her debut novel, Insomnia, with a publisher. Woot! I'm sure you don't want to miss her helpful advice.
Now it's time for the First Campaigner Challenge. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, Rach Harrie is throwing a HUGE, and I do mean huge, platform building campaign. It is too late to sign up but you can check it out HERE because she will do more in the future.
For the first campaign, this is what we are supposed to do...
Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, including a poem. Begin the story with the words, “The door swung open” These four words will be included in the word count.
If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional), use the same beginning words and end with the words: "the door swung shut." (also included in the word count)
For those who want an even greater challenge, make your story 200 words EXACTLY!
AND here is mine:
If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional), use the same beginning words and end with the words: "the door swung shut." (also included in the word count)
For those who want an even greater challenge, make your story 200 words EXACTLY!
AND here is mine:
The door swung open and he stepped inside. He’d aged as I waited, frozen in time. That mattered little as I saw the shiny chain dangling from his bent fingers.
A tear trickled down my still cheek as I remembered our parting.
“This is for the best,” he’d said as he kissed my already still lips. And it was, if we were to live an eternity together in our youth. “I will be back my love.”
He’d come to fulfill his promise; wake me from my spell and break the bonds of his aged prison. All would be right once more.
His cloudy eyes fell upon me and he smiled as his decrepit body hobbled the final steps toward me.
He opened his palm to reveal the jewel matching the one hugging my neck. It danced in his trembling hand as he slid it down my throat toward the other. The moment they touched his youth was restored and he smiled in relish.
The smile triggered a memory, snatching my hope. He had done this before; leaving me waiting, forgetting. “I will be back my love,” he whispered, twirling the jewel between youthful fingers as the door swung shut.
And that is that. If you like it and want to show some love I'm #167. You can 'like it' HERE. If you’d like to join in on this, you don’t have to be part of the campaign, just go HERE and sign up. You have until Friday. I look forward to reading yours!
Until next time…
Keep writing. Keep learning.
Poor girl. I feel so sad for her.
But I'm happy for you. Lots of good things have come your way. ^_^
Congrats on all the awards! Well deserved!
Nice 200 words, Deana! Loved it! I'm with Angelina, poor girl. To love is to allow ourselves to be used, yes?
Awww Deana, so sad. That guy needs a swift kick!
I'm intrigued. I want to know what happened that brought them to this point! Nicely done!
Congratulations my dear. I am so happy for you. You are doing some great things!
I love the story and can't wait to know what happens next.
Cyndy Patterson
Author, It Had to Happen
Congrats on the awards.I love the story!
Ohhhh! I have chills. Excellent work!
Wow! Great job! I wanted to yell, "Don't go!!!" I loved it. :)
Nice entry, Deana! And congrats on all your awards. Have fun at your writing conference..fingers crossed you make some good connections there.
You nailed the tension :) Wonderful job!
Oh! That guy needs more than just a swift kick.
I went from feeling the romance between them to thinking the woman is trapped in a Groundhog Day.
I can't wait to hear how you enjoy the conference, Deana!
Good luck at the conference! They are so fun!
Very intrigued with your flash fiction... cool idea!
Well, done, Deana! Oh, that snake!
Thanks for the love and the comments everyone:)
It's almost like she's Snow White or something. Awesome!
Congrats on the awards and nice entry :)
What a creep! Oh well. Nicely done. Mine is #72
Hi Deana
I’m a fellow campaigner and for this challenge I have been given ten blogs to ‘judge’ and asked to short-list five. I really admire how you have told this story so well and in so few words without losing the atmpsphere and so you are on the shorlist!
I have informed the powers that be.
Well done and good luck in the next round.
Ali B
Wonderful imagery here - you captured the moment so well, in just 200 words!
But oh, how sad for your MC...it's like she's his personal fountain of youth, but she only gets the few moments with him, when he's peaked in age.
Well done - I enjoyed this!
I love your story! It was definitely a bit sad, but some of the best things are. Congrats on the awards!
I LOVED the ending. Great entry to the challenge.
Would like to invite you and your readers to take a look at the The Rule of Three Blogfest ---a month-long extravaganza in the fictional town of Renaissance this October, with some great prizes, comment love, and of course, a lot of exposure for your writing.
The town of Renaissance could be the place this girl is freed from her prison...would love to see your story there!
The dirty rat! And very intriguing (and sad) idea. Well written, Deana! And congrats on getting short-listed!
Wow! What a twist at the end there! :) LOVE it!
That was very cool, a great twist. Congrats on the award to.
So much good news in this post. I hope you just love your writer's conference. You'll find so much to treasure. I just joined the Brisbane Writers Group last night so feel pretty happy. Lots of resources now available to me and they're just across the river!
Great learning of debut novelists being published!
Your story was a stunner. Well done you!
Alleged- You're right...except her price is a youth hungry user jerk:)
Kelly & Bridget- Thanks!
AliB- I'm flattered! Thanks! I was totally not expecting that one...YAY!
Erin- Thanks, I tried to get a mini story going. I'm not the best at it that's for sure:)
Jenna- Thanks...so sweet:)
Damyanti- Thanks and I will check out that blogfest. It sounds fun:)
Cortney- He's rotten to the core:) Thanks:)
Jess and thepatientdreamer- Thanks!
Denise- I can't wait for the conference. I am nervous too though. I feel like it is my first day of school or something. Well, a school I would want to go to:)
Wow Deana! So unique! You totally had me hooked and I was feeling all the incredible lovey-doveyness and then Wham! - I find out the blasted guy might forget her. Like before. Aaaagh! Fantastic !
I'm a fellow campaigner- I'm not in your groups, but I wanted the fun of getting to know more writers. It's so great to meet you! I had fun reading about you in your profile and oh my word! - I LOVE sitting on my deck watching storms & I LOVE sunsets too! I try to watch the sunset every night unless I have to be somewhere.
Oh wow- poor girl I so didn't expect that!
My heart is breaking for that poor girl.
I wish the rules allowed more words because I would have kept and reading and reading.
Congratulations on the awards and fantastic story. I felt it was a fairy tale and oh so incredibly sad. Great that you could produce such emotion in such a little piece!
Oh wow! This is great! Great premise and hauntingly sad! This could become more. :)
Enjoy your conference!
Thanks for the continued comments everyone!!!
Very good! All along, all he wanted was to regain his youth. Poetic and powerful story in 200 words. ~ Nadja
Yay awards! And yay, beautiful story! I loved it :D
Definitely "Liked" this! So full of emotion!
Thanks for visiting my blog, too...like you, I've been slowly but surely making the rounds to all my fellow campaigners!
Wow, this flooded in a few different feelings! I couldn't quite put my finger on what I thought of the guy.
Great writing, Deana!
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