This is what she says about herself:

You've probably guessed my real name isn't E.R. King, and you may be asking, what's with the pen name? I'm very attached to my maiden name, Rittel, enough so that I considered sticking with it, but the only people who know how to pronounce it correctly live in my hometown. My father was my high school principal (can you imagine?) so everyone knows me: kids, teachers, gas station clerks—it's a small town. To avoid mispronunciation (Rit-elle, not Ri-tell or Ri-dell), I've honored my family name by making it an initial. Hence the name E (Emily) R (Rittel) King.
Randomness about me: If my house was set on fire and I had time to rescue three things I would choose my hard drive, Violet my cat, and my wedding photo. In case you're wondering, my husband and our three munchkins got out okay, but sadly, my box of Lindor Truffles was consumed in the flames. The cat had an edge over the chocolates, but only by a hair.
When I first checked out your blog you had three followers and now you have over 200, not to mention the tons of comment love. Can you tell us your secret?
ERK: I don’t know if I have a secret so much as a thirst for blogging. I follow a lot of blogs, read them, and comment on them. I found the blogs I follow through blogfests, reading other blogger’s comments, and going to the links people post when they receive blogging awards. My Blogging Mentor Monday’s guest spot has helped me gain followers and taught me a lot about Blogging. Receiving blogging awards and tags also helps.As for my own blog, I try to post about issues on my mind. A fellow blogger taught me how to receive comments by e-mail, so those who have a working e-mail address I respond to directly. It’s saved me time and helped me form personal relationships with my followers. I also like to post only 2-3 times a week. This gives time for those who don’t check their blogs every day to comment.
DB: It really is cool how we develop these great friendships with our blogging friends.Sticking with blogging questions for a moment, it seems you are all over the blogosphere. Every blog I visit you have been there and left a lovely comment. How do you time manage your blogging, visiting blogs, writing and personal life and still stay sane?
ERK: I’ve really pushed myself to get out there and find blogs. My hunt has slowed a bit, as I’m following plenty now, but then I find another great blog and I HAVE to follow and comment. It can be tough fitting in blogging while writing, but the balance of work and play keeps me sane. I really don’t spend that much time blogging. I’ve discovered that the two busiest blogging days are on Monday and Tuesday (sometimes Wednesdays), so I spend a couple of hours on those days. The weekends are usually pretty quiet in the blog-o-sphere.DB: I think you’ve found the key by figuring out the busy days and taking it easy the others.
You have recently been querying agents and are doing pretty well as far as requests for partials or fulls. Can you give us some query advice?
ERK: I wish there were a magic formula for querying, but alas, it’s all about perseverance and finding an agent who falls in love with your writing. First and foremost, be prepared. Don’t go into it hoping you’ll find an agent, KNOW you’ll find one. Then be patient, believe in yourself, and realize a rejection is no more than a “no thank you.” You don’t want an agent who feels lukewarm about your book. You want total and complete adoration. Don’t settle for anything less!DB: Great advice!
What are you working on now and where do you see yourself in the future of writing?ERK: I’m still plugging away on my 5-book series, which I see myself finishing sometime in the next decade. : ) It’s fun, but a lot of work. Building a world that spans five books makes me careful of every plot twist and subplot because it all adds up. I know the ending, which helps a lot. Still, writing is hard work. Querying is hard. Believing in yourself in the face of rejection is hard. The future depends on what I do today, so I’m busting my butt to get what I want.
DB: You nailed it on the believing in yourself being hard. I think we can sometimes be our own worst enemyJYou are co-hosting a fun blogfest with me called the Killer Characters Blogfest in a couple of weeks. Can you tell us a little about that?
ERK: YES! The blogfestDB: If anyone is interested in signing up you can go HERE to do so. We will be offering three prizes!
Tell us anything. It can be about you, your writing, something fun. Whatever. The floor is yoursJERK: Life is good! Be thankful for what you have, work for what you want, and believe you can achieve your dreams!
DB: Perfect way to end it Emily! Thanks for being here; you’re a doll for doing thisJERK: I appreciate the opportunity, Deana. This was fun!
DB: If Emily sounds as awesome to you as she is to me you can find her blogging it up at Lets Get Busy Writing.Until next time…
Keep writing. Keep learning.
Morning, Deana. I'm here from the Pay It Forward blogfest. Thanks for signing up!
I recently discovered ER King's blog- and now yours! Great interview- loved learning more about her and her bloggin/working style! I used my maiden name as my pen name actually because I'm still attached to it:)
I love Emily! And I think her name and pen name are totally awesome :)
Emily is the best!!! She leaves the most thoughtful comments. She is an amazing author and friend. I just love her :)
I just LOVE your optimism. It's contagious. =)
Can I be jealous that you are friends with Emily? I love her posts and her blog. Thanks for letting us get to know her better!
E.R.'s blog is one of my regular stops. She mentioned visiting here today, so, of course, I HAD to come on over. I loved the interview ladies and I do believe I've found yet another blog to obsess over, I mean, follow :-)
Thank you.
Emily you are so great. I love your advice, it makes me want to go out and conquer the world. This was a great interview Deana.
This is awesome! I love Emily more and more the more I learn about her and the more I read her blog. She is amazing. This interview rocks. I've learned great things and I actually feel a little more motivated to get my butt ready for some query work! Thanks for the fab interview!
Great interview, girls! As always, Emily's drive inspires me. :)
Great interview!
Good sound advice on querying.
Have a great weekend.
I love Emily. She is such a great commenter and I found her through your gearing up to get an agent blogfest!! Now, I'm co-hosting a blog hop with her in November!
Nice interview.
Emily rocks, and so does this interview :-)
Emily sounds like she'll be busy for a while with that five book series, as well as the job of querying.
Thank for the love everyone! And thanks again for interviewing me, Deana.
Nice meeting Emily and you. I'm here from PIF, too.
Emily is fabulous! I can't imagine writing a FIVE BOOK series!
It can be tough fitting in blogging while writing, but the balance of work and play keeps me sane.
That sounds so like me :)
So happy to hear an interview between two of my favorite blogging buddies! Great job, ladies!! :)
Nice interview! Hello Deana, and hello Emily! This is the first day that I've met both of you. And it's because Emily found her way to my blog & left a comment. So there you go, we can thank her for this! hehe
Wonderful interview!
GREAT interview, Deana, and thank you for letting us get to know E. R. King better. I'm especially grateful for the clarification on the name -- the pen name's fantastic, but it sounds a bit stilted when you're saying "hey, thanks for the visit to my blog... uh, E.R." or "uh, E.R., I love your blog!" :) You're both people I'd love to live closer to and hang out with. Alas... Unless you're planning on moving to the Caribbean... Blogging it is :)
Have a great weekend!
I just gave you an award on my blog! Don't feel pressured to participate if you don't have time, but I wanted to give you a shout-out! :)
i missed the pay it forward hop, so stopping by fashionably late! nice to meet u :)
will sign up for the killer characters blogfest too!
Fantastic interview. It IS important for us to believe in ourselves and our work. Great advice.
Emily rocks, without question. She's one of the first blogs I started following!
great blog, new follower. Look forwward to reading more!
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