1) I am horrible at estimating how many people will actually scarf down my orange jello/cool whip salad (umm...not near as many as I thought:)

2) I am all about Black Friday shopping at like 5AM until ? but when it starts at 10PM Thanksgiving night and goes until 5AM...not so much. I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep from that one.
(for the record this is not an actual picture of me fighting in the lines:)

3) Editing is near impossible for me to get done with days jam packed full of family fun. (again this picture is so not a picture of me or my family:)

So here I am entering the writing world after a weeks vacation. I'm starting simple with a blog post. Next, I will try to take a hunk out of my 300 plus emails and then I'm jumping back into my editing head on. I'm so close to being done, I can't quit now!
What about you, is it hard to get back into the grind of writing/editing after taking a break? If so I'd love to know what you do to pump yourself back up.
Yeh definately. More so because I thought I was done. I got a final critique for my submission and a few tiny suggestions are meaning big things.
I'm getting all overcome with anxiety now, which is really bad. I guess all I can do is get my head down and hope I create more ingenious ideas instead. : S
I guess I've never had this issue but this is my first holiday being a 'serious writer' and I left myself off at the final few chapters of my manuscript...which are the most exciting and the ones I can't stop thinking about.
If you're lost your motivation maybe try skipping ahead and writing a chapter or scene that is just begging you to write it...
My weekend went about the same way. It was great to have forced relaxation. Now it's time to hit it hard again. I'm glad you had a fun weekend!
yes, editing so hard w/fun alternatives & harder to get back into after taking a break!
You are too funny Deana :) When I'm feeling overwhelmed I HAVE to take a break and come back at it fresh.
Love this post and the pics. The one with the dog and the rollers...oh goodness. I can understand where the little fellow is coming from.
I confess it is a bit difficult to get back in the groove of writing and edits. But once I get back, it's on then.
Love the doggie picture! lol
I did revisions into the beginning of November. I took a break, and now, I am ready to hit the keys with a new project.
Loved the post and the pics.
You'll find the groove in no time.
Taking a break gives me a fresher perspective. All those things that confounded me before now appear clearer. Of course, it's not always easy getting back into the grind, especially when you have to sort through a ton of email first, but once that's all done, it's so much better.
If I have time off, I read, and then it's so hard to get back into writing and editing! Especially if the book was really good. It knocks my self esteem.
Good luck reentering the writing world! I hope it's painless. :)
This is so so true. I just make myself sit and read the last few pages of what I've done and that always seems to get me back into the groove. Good luck with it all!!
Ack, I hate editing. Good luck!
Those photos are hilarious. I wonder if the woman carrying all that stuff in the store knows she's online?
It was hard to dive back into my WIP after vacation. I forced myself to sit down when the house was quiet - forced, I say. And also withheld chocolate from myself. (not on purpose, tho. the kids had eaten it all. :(
Hahaha, love the last pic, especially! and I definitely agree... I even have a hard time cranking back up after only a day or two of rest.
Ha! I totally agree about ruining your mojo by getting distracted by other things. I should be writing right now. I am reading blogs. :)
Ah well...I'll get back to it soon, hopefully.
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