But numerous people have given me this link so it must be a good one. So I thought I would share.
How To Write A 1-Page Synopsis
I've been working on some editing and today I am sending my kiddos off to school and will write this darn thing! Even if it kills me. And it just might.
Wish me luck:)
Gooood Luck!
I found this blog really helpful:
Thanks for the stress reduction kit. It will come in VERY useful.
Keep it short and sweet, and you'll get there ... You can do it!
hope you made a good one!
Looks helpful. Good luck with your synopsis!
Yep- I struggled through that last month. My advice is to not worry about it, get down what you can and send it to a critter. Repeat the process a few times and you'll end up with a good synopsis. I put it out on Twitter that I was looking for some syn/query critters to swap with and found some awesome resources.
I've ended up with my long, medium and short syn's as a default because of this, too.
Yeah, the link will be helpful but that Stress reduction kit will be very useful.
Wishing you luck as you attack this and conquer it.
I wrote a post a while ago about what helped me. Maybe it will help you. Good luck!
I've changed my synopsis so many times it's ridiculous. And even though that link helped a lot, I've decided to go with a one page, 1000 word version because my book is a romance, and I just can't seem to get the romantic relationship aspect to fit into 500 words along with the plot, lol.
What this link made me realize is that you can't do the obvious...which for me was just writing down all the events in the order they happen. There is no way you can do that in 1-2 pages! Yay for cutting all subplot.
SPOOKY - I posted about writing the synopsis today on my blog too - with the same link! Great minds, great minds. Up till now, I'd been avoiding querying agents that requested synopses because I hate the blasted things (yes, they're worse than queries.) But now an agent has asked for a full WITH a synopsis... feverishly pulling one together. This advice on Let the Words Flow is really spectacular.
Good luck! You can do it!
Take it one sentence at a time.
It will flow in the end.
I just had to write 2 synopsis for a proposal to follow the 1st novel. These books (2 and 3) are not written yet.
Synopsis are easy. I find queries much harder.
I used to do what magpiewrites did, avoid agents who requested it up front. Until I started getting requests and they wanted that too! So for my current novel, I just wrote it first!
This site looks really good. I'm favoriting it.
Thanks Deana! I have to revise my synopses since I've revised my story so much. Now I have a fantastic guide! Good luck with yours!!
Much luck and many blessings with your 1 page synopsis!
LOL, sorry to cause you so much pain, Deana;) My offer stands to take a look at yours when you're done, or I could send you the last one I did if you think it'll help. You are always soooooooo helpful, so much help should be given to you in return:0 I would've awarded you the Kreativ Blogger Award if Robin didn't beat me to it *shucks!
Best of luck! Synopsis are the evil cousin of the dreaded query. Let me know if you'd like me to look at it when you're done. You can do it!
Hey! I hope the 1 page synopsis went well!
Hi Deana,
I just gave you an award at http://sharonbayliss.blogspot.com/2012/01/kreativ-blogger-award.html
If you haven't already written it, I put together my synopsis research at this post.
Luck! And of course, I have my own selfish reasons for wanting you to finish soon and do a bang up job ;D
I have that picture as a sign up on my bar... This is an entertaining moment.
Above all, good luck!
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