Friday, March 16, 2012

Saying Goodbye....For Now

Not six months ago I did a blog post about moving. A year before that, I moved too. And now...I'm doing it again.

I must love to move.

I did it a ton when I was a kid and apparently I want my children to go through the same experience.  My oldest asked how many times she had moved in her loooong seven year life span. I told her a whopping SIX times. Poor thing.

This move should be it for awhile though, and it'll be a good one! So while we're packing during the day and at night, heading to Goodwill to do drop offs and paint, I am going to take a small blog break.
I hate it when you all come visit my blog and I am so busy I can't return the favor, so I just wanted to let you know there is no love lost, just mucho packing.
Until I return (which will probably be for my end of the month Writer's Butt update) I hope your minds are flowing and your Writer's Butts are staying perky and motivated.

Adios...for now!


Meredith said...

Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly!

Cassie Mae said...

Yay! I love packing, it's the unpacking I hate.

Good luck with everything!

Unknown said...

We'll miss you!

Emily R. King said...

I hope packing and moving goes well, and that it's an easy transition for your kiddos!

Martin Willoughby said...

I won't say 'enjoy it', but I'll keep a warm space on my comments section ready for you when you get back to us.

Loree Huebner said...

Hope your move goes smoothly! See ya soon.

Cortney Pearson said...

Good luck packing and moving!!

Nancy Thompson said...

Ugh! Packing and moving! I did is a lot when I was a kid and then when I became an adult. It's never an easy task. Good luck! I hope it's smooth sailing all the way!!

Jenny S. Morris said...

I went to 13 elementary schools. I'd I swore I wouldn't do that to my kids but we've moved a lot in my sons 8 years.

Good luck on the packing and I'll see you on the other side.

Anonymous said...

I'm busy with mvng too. Shame my poor kids. I hope you got the book voucher from Talli because I to inform you of your winnings yikes. Sorry

Anonymous said...

Wishing you safe moving days!

Brinda said...

Umm..that last comment was me. Not anonymous. :)

Unknown said...

Good luck!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Good luck with the move. That's so much work!

Kristin Rae said...

I can't wait to move! I'll take it as an opportunity to purge and reorganize. Years from happening, but I'm looking forward to it!
I moved a lot as a kid too. I think I counted 11 times I could remember. LOL.

Jasmine Walt said...

Good luck with your move! I'm apartment hunting right now myself, so I'll probably be going through something similar soon!

Bill the Butcher said...

Man, I HATE moving. I detest, despise and abhor it. I don't even like to pack a suitcase.

So, yeah, enjoy.

Kelley Lynn said...

Good luck!! Hope it all goes smooth!

Kimberly said...

Good luck with the move!

Leslie S. Rose said...

Best of everything saddling up the horses and heading into the sunset.

ilima said...

Good luck with the move!

Donna K. Weaver said...

I hate moving. I did a lot of it as a kid, and it's harder now that I have so much dang stuff. Good luck!

Juliana L. Brandt said...

I've moved every year for the past six years, though mostly it was just to a different house in the same city. Looks like we'll be doing it again this summer...*sigh*

Good luck with it!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you. I'm the world's worst and slowest mover. Often times, stuff stays in my car for weeks before I take it in to the new place. Sad.

Chemist Ken said...

I used to move a lot when I was a student, and then a couple of times after I got a job. It's no fun! I'll probably just stay where I am until the house collapses around me.

Good Luck!

Christa Desir said...

Traveling mercies, my friend. Good luck. It's stressful so I hope it goes well.