Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bookanistas supporting an amazing fundraiser with prizes!!!

First things first, my heart goes out to all my Alabama friends caught in the crazy tornados yesterday.  Bama has been a home to me for the past three years and a few tears dropped from my eyes at the pictures I've seen.  We moved about six months ago(our house is still for sell in the Helena area if anyone is interested:)), but I will always hold it near and dear to my heart.  Thankfully no one I know was hurt but my prayers are with those that lost anything during the horrific mess there and the other areas in the south.


On a lighter note, I couldn't be more excited about a fundraiser/giveaway I entered in, so I had to post about I get an extra entry, hopefully winning some much needed critiquing.

Here it is in a nutshell...

The lovely and ubertalented ladies who call themselves the Bookanistas (here is one) are trying to giveback.  In their words:

Charitable donations are a very personal thing. There are so many ways our hard earned money can help others, and lately our world seems to be breaking into pieces around us. Needs are many and great. The Bookanistas want to give back, so in the coming months, we're going to be looking for ways to pour into communities, both bookish and worldwide.

For the month of April, we've chose to spotlight Run For Your Life, largely because the framework is already set up (we'd like to keep it simple our first time out), and also because of personal connections to the cause. Most everyone knows someone who has battled cancer or lost a loved one to it. 
It is true, my Grandmother has lymphoma, and many in my family have lost their lives due to cancer.  I was happy to donate some money to this cause.  They ask for $5 but more or less is fine as well. 

For every dollar you give you get a chance to win one of the great prizes they are offering and if you are a writer or a reader, I promise you won't be sorry you did it.  With query and fifty page manuscript critiques, as well as tons of signed YA books...need I say more?  Well yes, I do, because there is more!

Also, when you donate you are automatically entered into a drawing for a chance to win a private screening of Breaking Dawn with twenty of your closest buddies ...or not so close depending on how you do things.  This is courtesy of Charlie Bewley an actor in the movie.

Sound like something you could get into?  Head on over to Myra McEntire's blog (one of the Bookanista's) and check it out, sign up, do what you have to do!


Hart Johnson said...

So good of you to spread the love. I wish I had more resources to share at this point, but I'm glad there are people getting the word out, so thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Deana!

My name is Tiffany and I was searching bloggers in my area and saw that you were from Richmond, KY. I live in Richmond going on 4 yrs now and I was from central, ky. I love your blog and I am now a follower. Would love to have you as a follower over at my blog Click Here!