Friday, February 24, 2012

Writer's Butt Update #2

I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet folks, because not only did I get the nasty funk this week--you  know the one where your throat is like sand paper and your nose stops working--but I also woke up this morning with the puke bug. BLEH!

So on to Writer's Butt Update #2:
I lost 5 more pounds!!! Woo hoo for me! I haven't been working out as much as I should and I didn't eat very well this past week from being sick, but I'm still trying to eat lots of fruits and veggies and as I sit at the computer, I drink water and take breaks to get up and move.

I think that's all I can manage in this post. Talk of food and movement is making me turn green. I'm off to go hug the toilet...again.

What are you doing this month to banish Writer's Butt from your life? I may be sick, but I'd still love to hear.


Meredith said...

I'm so sorry! Bugs are the worst. I hope you feel better soon!

Kyra Lennon said...

Aww, I hope you feel better soon!

Lol, loving the term "Writer's Butt!" Congrats on the weight loss! I have recently started switching the bad foods for fruit and veggies, and I get weighed tomorrow to see how well I've done. Wish me luck!

Jessica R. Patch said...

I was sick last week. Yuck. Feel better soon. As for my butt? I don't even wanna talk about it! LOL

Kelley Lynn said...

Ooo, I'm sick now but not as bad as you. So sorry!

I'm running a half marathon on Sunday. That should help banish a little of it :)

Loree Huebner said...

Hubz was sick this week. I managed to dodge it.

Congrats on the 5 lbs!

I walk/run, lift weights, and juice. I need to lose about 10 lbs.

Martin Willoughby said...

Yuck. Get Well Soon.

Angela Cothran said...

Yay for 5 lbs :) My new thing is Zumba. I LOVE it!!!

Emily R. King said...

5 lbs is awesome. Celebrate the small steps, Deana! But not with an ice cream cone. : )

K.V. Briar said...

So sorry you're sick, that's the pits! My oldest (4) came down with the same funk last night +fever.

5 Pounds is fabulous! Congrats :) I've been trying to get up and move more too its the water thing that killlllls me. I'm so bad at getting my water in! Keep up the good work!

Angela Brown said...

Feel better soon. Having the funk is just no fun.

Congrats on the 5 lbs. Every lb lost is wonderful thing. I didn't do so well this week. May be a while before I weigh myself again, but I'm sure I gained a lb or two back from a been of Girl Scout cookie over indulgence lol!!!

Brinda said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Shiela Calderón Blankemeier said...

So sorry, Deanna! We had the funk here, too. No bueno. Jalapeno kettle chips and pretzels sure feel good, though my writer's butt does not appreciate them. Or appreciates them too much :) I'm SouthBeaching it and have lost 12 lbs in the last 6 weeks. I still have more to go. Hopefully the funk will pass along with the pounds. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Now that is a fantastic achievement. As soon as my baby pops out I'll be joining this butt crusade. It's awesome, you must tell me more or point me to links.
The blog I follow you with is on sabbatical so I'm joining your followers with another.

Cassie Mae said...

Hey! You knock it off! You're not allowed to be sick :)

And writer's butt is my friend. I've lost 16 pounds since I started writing. Know why? Cuz I'm too busy writing to overeat, lol.

Leslie S. Rose said...

5 pounds, whoo hoo. That's gotta be close to a smaller size. Feel better and may your pants feel loose.

Unknown said...

Every time I see that pic I laugh!!
And congrats on those 2 pounds! :)