Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Critique and Beta Connections

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Deana Barnhart

All I've wanted to do is scream with joy and give each one of my Gutgann's (a name one of you geniuses came up with:) a massive hug. You all seem to be having such a good time getting to know each other and making writer connections in the Meet and Greet. It just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. So naturally, I want to continue the love fest and take things one step further. Get your minds out of the gutter people, not that way.  

Critique and BETA Connections

I know when I began writing seriously five years ago, I had no clue what a BETA reader was, much less where to find a critique group. Not only that, but I was embarrassed to ask because I didn't want to look like an idiot. 

Don't be like me. There are no idiots here. For those of you that need a little schooling, here are some basic definitions of a critique partner and a BETA reader:

Critique Partner/Group

A critique partner is typically a fellow writer who is giving you an objective opinion and generally focuses more on improving the craft of your writing as well as editing and clarity. 

BETA Reader: 
  1. A BETA reader is there to give you a reader's perspective on your story, which is entirely subjective. Did they like it? How did they feel about the characters? How about the pacing? At any point were they confused or thrown out of the story?
  2. A BETA reader is often NOT A WRITER, just someone who is widely read in the genre you write in and whose opinion you trust.
However, as anyone who's been in a critique group or who's had a good BETA reader knows, sometimes the lines are blurred. But generally, the guidelines are: 

Subjective = BETA Reader 
Objective = Critique Partner/Group

Rosslyn Elliot has great in depth answers to all these questions on her blog if you want to check it out.

Here's the fun part...

Today, myself and Ellie Heller, (a fellow GUTGAA buddy) will be lending a hand to those of you that are lacking in the BETA/critique department by helping you make some connections.

Here's what you do:

If you are a writer looking for a critique partner or group, please answer the following questions in the comments section below. If you are looking for BETA readers, please keep reading past this.

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.
2) What do you write (age target and general genres).
3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?
4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?
5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?
6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?
7) How can I contact you? (email)

I'd also suggest linking to your blog/website. :-)

If you're in need of a BETA reader or would like to be a BETA reader, hop over to Ellie's blog HERE and answer her questions in the comments section on her blog.

I'm not sure how long I will keep this beta/crit connection going on. It depends on how the response goes. I'm thinking through Friday. After I close this up I will go to work connecting you wonderful writers to each other. I also have no problem if you see someone listed that you would like to contact on your own. Go for it! Just let me know if you all work out so I can take your names off the list:)

I think that's about it. I hope you have fun with this and hopefully you can make some lasting relationships:)


Jenna and Ashley said...
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Jess Schira said...

1-Jess Schira
2-I write YA contemporary romance(ish), coming of age. The story I’m working on is very innocent and sweet. It has a strong farming/agriculture theme. Several snippets have been posted on my blog as part of the six sentence Sunday blog hop
3-I’m ready to start submitting right now, though I’m still tweaking and line editing.
4-I looking for both a critique partner and writing group
5-I’d prefer to submit weekly, preferably a few chapters at a time
6-the more honest the better. Brutal is a good thing.
7-I can be reached at

Thanks Deanna. The amount of work you've put into this is awe-inspiring.

Jess Schira said...
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yo said...
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Anonymous said...

1) I'm Fel Wetzig, fiction writer and history major turned business consultant.

2) I write Adult or New Adult, paranormal and suspense. My books tackle some heavy issues along the way, and are likely inappropriate for YA readers.

3) I have one MS that is nearly revised, (early chapters are ready to be submitted) and one that I will begin revisions on during the fall.

4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group? I am looking for a critique partner, preferably long-term.

5) I'd prefer to do it in small, regular doses. A chapter or two each week would be good.

6) I'd like someone honest and observant to provide in depth feedback.

7) How can I contact you? fwetzig (at) or on my website

Unknown said...

1) I'm Meghan, full time student and fantasy writer.
2) I write fantasy for young adults, or teenagers, whatever you want to call them.
3) I'm not finished my WIP yet, but I would still love to have someone begin critiquing my work.
4) I am looking for a critique partner, preferably long-term,
5) I'd prefer to submit as needed, or once a month.
6) I want someone who will provide frank, honest feedback in order to aid me in my writing.
7) My email is

Thanks, Meghan.

Meghan Drummond said...

1) Meghan. I'm a YA author, reader, and cyclist with a Joss Whedon obsession.
2) YA paranormal/fantasy
3) Yes, I have one completed manuscript that I need help with, and a WIP that's insane-cool, but needs someone to tell me when I've gone off the rails.
4) Either.
5) Once a week, small amounts (2-3 chapters)
6) Brutal. I have a tendency to get so excited over what I'm doing next in the storyline that I forget to build the foundation.
7) medrummond@gmail, @meghdrummond on twitter, and

Think Positive, Be Positive said...

1) Donna L Martin, writer by day and Program Director/Senior Certerfied TaeKwonDo Instructor by night.
2) Age group is anywhere from 4-18 as I write Picture Books, Middle Grade, and Young Adult as well as poetry and essays with an interest in expanding into non-fiction.
3) I have numerous PBs in various areas of revision as well as one completed MG and two YA WIPs
4) I think I'm looking for a critique partner but would not turn my back on a great critique group...;~)
5) I would look to submit as need, working with other's schedules as much as possible and would look to submit either whole PBs or a chapter at a time for my MG or YAs.
6) My weakness is overall grammar and meter with my rhyming PBs so it would help if my partner/group was stronger in those areas.
7) My email is and my website is

Brandon Stenger said...

1. Brandon Stenger. I'm a full time software developer who would much rather be a full time writer.
2. Right now working on a YA space opera novel. The next big project rumbling about in the back of my brain is a heroic fantasy novel.
3. Yes. The current novel is at about the 1/4 mark (I think) so there's plenty of material to work with.
4. I would prefer a critique partner, someone who is really looking to work on their craft over the long haul.
5. I would love to get on a weekly schedule, working on small pieces (1-2 chapters, 5-6000 words).
6. I'm looking for in-depth critique, as brutally honest as possible. Anything that can help me become a better writer is fair game.
7. My email is My website is

VikLit said...

1) Vikki (aka Viklit). YA Writer, live in London, likes to brainstorm and chat about writing.
2) YA Sci Fi: Completed MS and WIP but have a YA Contemp WIP also would like CP for
3) Yes.
4) Partner or group would be fine, don't mind!
5) I am fairly easy. Bi-weekly or monthly probably preferred, swapping 2-4 ish chapters at a time, but equally happy to swap drafts or go weekly. I am Access your flexible friend (probably nobody remembers that ad but me).
6) Looking for people to be brutally honest! Just need somebody else to say where I'm going wrong, make suggestions. I'm good in turn at pace/big picture reports and a fairly fast turner-rounder.
7) viklitblog AT gmail DOT com or or hey tweet me vixatthemovies

Unknown said...

1) Diane Riggins. I'm a writer and blogger.
2) I write horror, supernatural, paranormal novels for adults but am looking to start writing YA novels as well.
3) I'm ready to jump right in and start submitting.
4) I am looking for a critique partner
5) I'm flexible. I would like to submit either bi-weekly or monthly and submit at least 2 chapters at a time.
6) I'm looking for a person who will be as brutally honest with their feedback as possible.
7) My email is My blog is

Thanks again Deana for hosting this.

Jodie Andrefski said...

1)Jodie Andrefski - Ex Secondary English teacher, still going to college for my Masters in Mental Health counseling part-time, though I'd love to be a FT writer.
2) I primarily write YA fiction-leaning toward contemporary romance/drama, have some ideas for MG.
3) Yes, I've self-published one YA novel (and would like to get this in print), and WIP for the second in the series; I would love feedback on either.
4) I would greatly prefer a long-term partner who has been edited before, but a group would be ok too.
5) I would prefer to submit weekly or bi-weekly, and I'd rather submit pages than chapters given my chapter lengths can be short at times, so I may say a chapter and it's three pages.?
6) Some that is honest! I want someone to tell me how to help me improve my writing. If I'm missing something glaring, TELL me. I'd also like someone that is strong in grammar and character development.
my website is (there is now a link on there to my blog--I hadn't really blogged before this, I just used FB and had a I am psyched to start doing so!!)

Thank you so much!

Jodie Andrefski said...
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Jodie Andrefski said...

omg..I changed my answers so many times I have sentences that don't even have full words. Sorry about that! lol

And I even typed my website wrong. I need caffeine. It is *hangs head*

Unknown said...

1. & 2. Dean Pace-Frech - I write LGBT fiction in a historical setting.

3. I am ready to start submitting.

4. I am looking for both a group and a partner.

5. I would prefer to submit monthly, 1 or 2 chapters at a time.

6. I am looking for feedback on all levels: character, plot, story, etc. I am looking for brutally honest feedback to make my writing better.

7. is my email.

My website is:

Thanks, Deana for sponsoring this!

Daniel said...

1. My name's Daniel, I'm 23 and recently quit post-grad law to try and make it as an author.
2. I write adult fiction - something at the intersection of commercial and literary. Generally very gritty stuff.
3. Am going to start my second novel soon so not quite ready yet, but could still critique someone else in the same genre - I have no experience with YA, fantasy etc so don't think I'd be much help with that - read lots of literary fiction though.
4. Preferably partner but group could work too.
5. Would personally prefer to submit as needed but don't mind if partner wants to submit weekly, bi-weekly etc.
6. Honest - rip it to shreds, tell me it sucks, be blunt as you like. I have no ego - just want to keep continuously improving.
7. Email is, twitter is @daniel_l_baker - contact whichever way's easiest.

Lauren said...

1) My name is Lauren Spieller, and I just woke up!
2) I'm working on an urban fantasy YA novel called SIGHTLESS.
3/4) I'm ready for some critiques! I'd be happy to be part of a group or work one-on-one.
5) I'm flexible with the amount I can submit, but I'd probably like to submit every 2 weeks.
6)I'd like to receive feedback about the development of my MC, and about my world building.


Alex Brown said...

1) My name is Alex Brown, and I am a grad student working on my Masters in College Student Personnel (so, essentially, I'm never leaving college), a Starbucks enthusiast, and another obsessed Joss Whedon fan!
2) I write YA! My first novel was fantasy and my WIP is Sci-fi, so I love those genres, but I definitely wouldn't be opposed to reading works in other genres!
3) Yes! My WIP is still a WIP, but I'd love for some preliminary critiquing, just to see if I'm going in the right direction!
4) Either!
5) Oh goodness, so many choices! I'd say either on an as-needed basis or weekly/bi-weekly (which are two extremes, I know). I say this because I'm still in the middle of my WIP, so it'd be easier for me to send it in chapters. BUT if I could send these chapters weekly/bi-weekly, it would be great to have that feedback as I continue to write :)
6) Anything and everything! My WIP is told from two POVs, so I want to make sure that both voices sound different and original! Also, since it's Sci-fi, I want to make sure that the plot is plausible and doesn't go too far into crazy-town territory. Really, if I could find someone to bounce ideas off of and reign me in when I need it, that would be stellar!
7) Email:, Twitter: @gravity_fail09


Thank you so much for putting this together! You rock!

Stacey Trombley said...
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Connie B. Dowell said...

1. Connie B. Dowell I'm an academic writing tutor and part-time education grad student.
2. I'm working on a middle grade fantasy at the moment, but I have some plans for YA and mystery and I hope to learn more about those categories.
3. I'm ready to start.
4. Critique partner and/or group.
5. Weekly or biweekly sounds good. Monthly seems too long to me. 1 or 2 chapters at a time.
6. I'm looking for feedback on pacing and clarity. (I've been told that I'm delaying backstory too much so things are unclear.)I'm also looking for feedback on any details I may have overlooked in my focus on perfecting the prose and, really, anything else the critiquer can add.
7. cgbdowell (at) gmail (dot) com

Katie Hamstead said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.

Katie Teller. Aussie living in the USA.

2) What do you write (age target and general genres).

YA usually Historical romances.

3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?


4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?

Either, I currently have no one.

5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?

As needed. Whatever is easiest for them.

6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?

A bit of everything; grammar spelling, plotting, character dev and so forth.

7) How can I contact you? (email)


Anonymous said...

1) Karma Brown - Freelance writer & mom from Canada (Toronto)
2) Adult (Women's Fiction)
3) Absolutely!
4) I would be open to either/both.
5) I think I'd prefer to submit weekly/bi-weekly, and 1-2 chapters at a time.
6) Plot, pacing, character development...a little bit of everything!

Site is

Thank you SO much!

Stacey Trombley said...
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Anonymous said...

1) New Writer and Mom from Boise, ID

2) YA paranormal romance and NA Contemporary Romance
3) YES
4) Critique Partner
5) I would prefer to submit weekly and would like to submit 5 chapters at a time.
6) Plot development, pacing, character development, the connection with the story, and suggestions on how to improve the story - e.g. if you word it like this, you would be showing instead of telling or change this word to this, to bring out a stronger meaning to the dialogue, etc

My Blog:


Looking forward to hearing back!

Unknown said...

1) I'm Lindsey. I'm a recent BFA graduate--still waiting on a 'real' job. I live for reading and writing.
2) My current WIP is a YA Paranormal Romance but I write anything with some degree of a fantastical edge.
3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?
My MS is complete and I've gone through two drafts so far. I'm ready to have it seriously critiqued.
4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group? Either but most likely a single partner--preferably long term.
5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?
I'd be up for anything. It all depends on the other person. I could do a full MS exchange or chapters at a time.
6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?
I'd like detailed thoughts on plot, voice, characters, pacing, what works--what doesn't. I'm not as concerned about grammar specifics though I'd welcome those comments. I'd like to be able to do the same for someone else.
7) How can I contact you? (email)

I'd also suggest linking to your blog/website. :-)
Twitter: @LindseyMF

Melissa Sugar said...

1. Melissa Sugar. I am a mom, lawyer and writer. I write when I am not working.

2. I write mystery/suspense and legal thrillers. This is also my favorite genre to read, but I read all genres.

3. I am ready to jump right in and start submitting. I am, however, still editing the final chapters.

4. I prefer a partner, but I am open to both. Either way, I am looking for long term.

5. I prefer to submit bi-weekly and a few chapters at a time. I am flexible on this. The reason I did not say weekly is because my work schedule is never the same. Most weeks I can exchange weekly, but if I am in trial one week then I would not be able to do anything that week. I should mention up front that my chapter lengths differ. The average length is eight pages, but I have some chapters that are only one page and some that are twelve-thirteen pages.

6. I am looking for in depth critiques by someone willing to be brutally honest. I am looking for the big picture such as holes in the plot, character development, story structure (timing of plot points etc.) whether or not my manuscript flows, specifically from one chapter to the next. I write mystery/suspense/thriller so I am also looking for feedback on whether I have been too obvious or not enough. It would be a big bonus if my partner was good at spotting grammar and spelling errors. I am willing to be just as thorough in exchange. I read YA, Mystery and just about every genre except MG. I hope I am not scaring everyone away with the answer to this question. I can assure prompt feedback and return of my partners work.

7. You can contact me via email I intend to open a new email account when and hopefully if, I am matched with someone for our exchanges, but this is how to contact me now.

I need to warn potential partners that my manuscript contains some adult language.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...


1. I’m Craig Schmidt, a high school teacher who has been writing for about 5 years, married with two kids, world traveler, and smart ass (but that being a “smart ass” comment is actually serious).
2. My novel is a YA contemporary Arthurian fantasy (King Arthur returns in the modern world).
3. Totally ready. I’m sending out queries and one agent is looking at my novel right now.
4. I am looking for a critique partner.
5. I’m flexible with how much and often to submit work to one another. My MS is finished, so whatever works for you will be fine with me.
6. I want critical and honest feedback. Whatever you think can be better—tell me. If you really like something—tell me. If something is okay but not great—tell me. I WANT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING: pace, characters, voice, point of view, thematic development, etc. In the past, the only critiques that have made me angry are ones that were “too nice.” I’m a big boy. The only way for me to improve is through honest feedback.
7. Email:


Kay Kauffman said...

1. I’m Kay – legal secretary by day, wife, kid wrangler and author by night.
2. I’ve been working on a fantasy novel for the last seven years. It’s my first crack at fantasy and I really like it thus far. I also write poetry and in the past, I've written chick lit as well.
3. I’ve got one MS complete and revised and another that is unfinished that I would like to continue working on (and would also like some help with).
4. I’d really like to find a long-term critique partner.
5. I think I need some sort of structure to keep me working, and I think a chapter a month would be realistic and doable.
6. I’ve got a pretty decent handle on grammar stuff, but I’d like someone to look at the big picture and tell me whether or not it makes sense, help me find plot holes and patch them up, pacing, etc. I appreciate thoroughness and honesty.
7. My email is kaysielynn (at) suddenlytheyalldied (dot) com. I’m also on Twitter (@kaysielynn), and my blog is at

Virginia Boecker said...

1. I'm Virginia, and I'm a mom, a runner, a writer, a YA fanatic, and an ex-Londoner who still misses it dreadfully.

2. My completed ms is YA fantasy, but love all YA, regardless of genre.

3. I'm ready to jump in. I've got a completed ms that's been critiqued, beta read, and professionally edited, that I'm now (hesitantly) querying. Currently working on book 2.

4. I would love to find a long-term critique partner or group, either one works for me. I have a small writer's group now, but we only meet monthly and the other members are only semi-serious about writing. I'd like a serious group/partner. :)

5. Weekly or bi-weekly would be great, or as needed. And I can handle whatever you throw at me - 1 chapter, 2, or more!

6. I want honest, brutal feedback. I appreciate kind comments, of course, but I don't think they always help me become a better writer. Also, writing can be isolating, and it's scary going it alone! It would be nice to have someone who pings me to say hi, ask how it's going, etc., not just swap chapters and be done with it. I'd like to learn about you, too, so I can help you better!

Twitter: @virgboecker

Thanks, Deana, for putting this all together. Paying it have some seriously awesome karma coming your way!

Meagan said...

1) I'm Meagan, and I love cooking as much as I love writing.
2) What do you write: YA and NA, contemporary.
3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?: yes!
4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?: a group would be even better, but I'd take either!
5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)? Weekly, 2 chapters at a time?
6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?: More than just line edits and technical stuff.
7) How can I contact you? meagan (at) is my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

1) My name is Heather. I'm a stay-at-home mom of a 2-year old and writer of fantasy.
2) I mostly write YA and NA, varying mixtures of the supernatural and romance.
3) I have a complete manuscript and am very ready to jump right in (I also have a couple WIP I'll be finishing up soon... hopefully).
4) I feel I'm in desperate need of a critique partner (long-term would be awesome).
5) A chapter or two a week would probably be good (though a full ms works too)... I'm flexible if that wouldn't work for my critique partner.
6) I've got the grammar part mostly under wraps but any and everything else would be helpful... help pinpointing possible plot holes, pacing problems, and general feedback on how to improve the telling of the story... I want to make sure it makes sense to the reader, etc.
7) Contact: heather (dot) sizemore1 (at) gmail (dot) com



Jenna and Ashley said...

(I deleted my comment from earlier because I wanted to add a few things after looking at other posts!)

My name is Jenna.
1)I'm a high school English teacher from Oklahoma who breathes books and lives to write.
2) I write YA (primarily contemporary but also fantasy).
3) I'm ready to jump right in and submit.
4) I would like a critique partner.
5) I'd prefer to submit 1 to 2 times a week but am flexible. 2-3 chapters at a time would be my preference.
6) I'm looking for someone to notice and critique plot, flow, and perspective. I don't need much help on the technical/grammatical items, but I could always edit like that for someone else.
7) My email is
My website is

*I'd prefer someone who has completed an entire MS and has already had at least one person edit it (if possible).
I also appreciate harsh criticism and don't mind brainstorming to help my partner.

Thanks, Deana, for offering this!

Jenna and Ashley said...

Also...I have one completed MS and three WIPs.


Unknown said...

1) I'm Amy, a stay at home mom who somehow finds the time to write.
2) What do you write: Adult thrillers
3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?: I recently decided to do another complete edit but will be ready again in a couple of days :)
4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?: I will take whichever I can get!
5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)? As needed, chapter by chapter but I can work with whatever. :)
6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?: Basically what works & what doesn't, as detailed as you can give me.
7) How can I contact you? :)

Anonymous said...

1) Abby Cavenaugh- small-town newspaper editor by day; aspiring-to-be-published writer by night

2) I write contemporary women's fiction/chick lit. My target audience is women of all ages... and some men, if they're man enough!

3) Yes, I am ready immediately!

4) I would prefer one or two partners, rather than a large group. I just work better that way.

5) I would prefer to do 1-3 chapters at a time, maybe a couple of times a week.

6) Brutally honest. I have BETA readers and some of them just say "It's great! It's perfect!" I really want to know what's working and what isn't, and I will return the favor. :)

7) E-mail is; or follow me on Twitter @abswrites

My blog:

Misa Buckley said...

1) Misa Buckley, published author

2) Speculative romance aimed at adults

3) No

4) I'd prefer a partner, but would settle for a group

5) As needed, and by chapter

6) As detailed as possible

7) misa(dot)buckley(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

In case anyone was wondering, Amy & I are twins... we write in different genres & are looking to branch out from our obvious critiquing each other! :D

Carrie-Anne said...

1. My pen name is Carrie-Anne, and my training is in history. I'm going back to school for library science, 10 years after getting a BA.

2. I write 20th century historical fiction. Though many of my books revolve around young people, I never considered myself a specifically YA writer, perhaps because I started writing way before the YA explosion. I would classify my age parameters as adult and YA-ish.

3. Yes, I've got tons of manuscripts.

4. I'd like an in-person group, like in the days of my Creative Writing Club, but at this point, it's probably more realistic to hope for a regular partner.

5. Probably as needed, since I just went back to school. My chapters are probably considered on the long side by some people nowadays (10 pages on the shorter side, often more like 30, 40, even 50 pages, but with scene breaks). Probably just one chapter at a time.

6. I want someone who understands my writing style and narrative voice. I'm well aware that I tend towards a slower-paced, old-fashioned, more literary writing style. I grew up considering that the norm, because of all the old books I read. It's not inferior from more modern schools of writing. It's just different.

7. CarrieAnne79 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Ru said...

1) RuthAnne, lawyer and dog-lover

2) I've finished two novels (YA fantasy, chick lit) and am working on two more (YA contemporary, thriller/mystery), so I'm a little all over the place when it comes to my interests.

3) I would love to start critiquing with people right away.

4) I'd love to find a group. I think having multiple people to bounce ideas around with is great.

5) I could probably submit (and receive) as often or as little as people wanted.

6) Detailed, honest critiquing. (PS, not to blow my own horn, but I am an awesome critiquer myself. You're going to want my help ... and to help me ;))

7) email me at ruthanne (dot) frost (at) gmail


Please don't use my real name if you say hi on the blog, though. :) Hope to hear from some awesome folks!

Heather B said...


I'm looking for a middle grade crit group. My WIP is a middle grade mystery with strong historical elements. You can learn more about me in the Meet and Greet (

Thank you!

Cheryl Koevoet said...

) My name is Cheryl Koevoet. I'm a wife and mother of four living in The Netherlands (I was born in the U.S.)

2) I write New Adult Speculative/Romance and Women's Fiction/Historical Fiction

3) I have both a manuscript and it's sequel completed; I am working on a third (completely different book now.) I plan to go back and write a third book of the trilogy.

4) I hope to find a critique partner and possibly a group, depending on the level of commitment.

5) I would prefer to submit bi-weekly; perhaps two chapters at a time, but I am completely flexible

6) I am looking for general feedback - thoughts, impressions, anything that seems "off"

7) How can I contact you? koevoetfamily[at]hotmail[dot]com

Connie said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.
Connie Michael. I am an elementary teacher. I have been writing for about 5 years. I have two older boys in college and love to be outdoors.
2) What do you write (age target and general genres).
I write YA, towards the upper edge in age. I write contemporary and paranormal
3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?Yep I have two complete manuscripts!
4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group? I would be happy with either one. I have had partners in the past and it seemed I was the only one giving feedback, but I could work with either one I think.
5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?
I am flexible on the submission so I guess as needed. I like to get a few chapters at a time so it is easier to comment and work on suggestions.

6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?
Story overall but especially character development and voice. Is the reader engaged with my characters .
7) How can I contact you? (email)
I'd also suggest linking to your blog/website. :-)

Anonymous said...

1) Hi, I’m Robbie and I’m a fulltime History student at the University of Edinburgh.
2) I write adult historical fiction. My current manuscript is set in 17th century Scotland, and has been known to sit contentedly in both the romance and thriller subgenres.
3) I’m ready to jump in right away!
4) I’d be happy with either a partner or a group, whichever’s easiest.
5) I’d be okay to submit as required, one chapter, two, three, whatever you’re comfortable with.
6) Any crit is good crit so long as it’s honest and pulls no punches!
7) Hit me up via email or my blog

Unknown said...
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Heather M Bryant said...

1. Hey guys, I'm Heather, totally great to meet you all (if I haven't already). Just a warning though, sarcasm is my default mode and I'm sure you'd find a lot of it in my writing.

2. At this point I'm only writing young adult. It's what I read and though I have some other stuff planned out, I'm not making the switch any time soon.

3. I'm never ready. Ever. I'll write, edit, rewrite, edit, banish to a drawer for a year, rewrite, and edit. (At least that's where I'm at with my current WIP).

4. Partner OR group is totally fine. I'm well past the stage of feeling self conscious about sharing.

5. Honestly, I don't feel comfortable setting an exact structure. I'm pretty busy most of the time and squish writing into the dark, musty, corners of my life. I think weekly for one chapter would be the kind of turnaround I'm looking at if I was to critique someone else's work. As for my own, it's all ready to go.

6. At the moment my main focuses are: plot inconsistencies, awkward phrasing, typos, boring scenes, characters acting 'out of character', and parts that could potentially be culled. With feedback I don't sugar-coat and I'm way past feeling upset over negative or constructive feedback. In fact, if it's GOOD constructive feedback, I may send you virtual cookies. Warm, chocolate ones.

7. Best email is

And if any of you are keen to see me in my natural habitat
is my blog. My WIP writing is only slightly more professional than this.

*can you believe I got through the writing without the drinking of the coffee?

Anonymous said...

1. I'm Ellen Rozek, an unemployed college grad querying a YA thriller.
2. I write some YA, some adult, but always shades of contemporary.
3. I am not ready at this point. My thriller is as polished as it can be and there are agents looking at it. My recently completed MS, a dark YA contemporary, is still being sat upon until I can really go to town and rip it to shreds. Only after I look at it will I show it to someone else. That being said, I don't mind looking at someone else's MS though.
4. Another CP. I found a good one for the thriller, but I haven't much spoken with her since then and am not sure she'd be up for doing more critiques. If I could find one or two more good CPs, that would be great.
5. I've always done as needed, and I usually start out taking a chapter or two at a time. If we seem like a good fit for each other, then I've always just swapped the first halves of our MSs, then the second halves. I like to read a lot at once, so I get a better feel for the story.
6. Be brutal, but do it politely. The only reason I have a novel that's query ready is because the people who looked at it were honest about EVERYTHING that wasn't working. That's what I want.
7. ellenmrozek (at) gmail (dot) com

My blog is

It's still in the process of being completely set up, but the majority of the content is there.

Jeri said...

1) I'm Jeri Walker-Bickett, a former English teacher now trying to get back to my writing roots.

2) My writing leans toward literary fiction, but with horror-inspired twists.

3) I am far enough in my WIP that I can begin submitting immediately.

4) For now, I would like to work with a critique partner, rather than a group.

5) I would feel most comfortable submitting two chapters bi-weekly.

6) I need constructive criticism by someone well-versed in the writer's craft and who feels at ease using literary terminolgoy.

7) Email: Website:

Sara said...

1) Hi, I'm Sara, I'm 24 and I'm a software developer who would love to quit her job and write full-time, but that's a dream for now!
2) I write YA Fantasy and Sci-Fi, but I can critique adult work too as long as it's in one of those genres.
3) Yes, I'm ready to start right away!
4) A critique partner mostly but maybe also a critique group. Though I've never been in a critique group before,it sounds like it could be a great experience.
5) I'd prefer to submit weekly or bi-weekly, with 2-3 chapters each time.
6) I'm looking for someone who could point out the big picture problems, mostly setting and pacing since those are the things I most struggle with. I'm not afraid of brutal feedback, as long as its constructive!
7) My email is: and my blog:

Kathryn R. Blake said...

1) I'm Kathryn R. Blake, published author with three books currently available and another due out later this year.
2) I write paranormal and spanking romances with DD D/s and BDSM elements.
3) I don't have anything to submit at this time, but I'm looking for like-minded individuals who would be interested in critiquing the sort of stories I write.
4) I would be interested in either a group or a single partner.
5) I'd like to submit on an "as needed" basis, most likely one chapter at a time.
6) I'd like technical feedback (grammar and punctuation) as well as genre feedback and character motivations.
7) contact e-mail:


T.J. said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.

T.J. - full of stories of adventures, neurotic when writing, calmer when editing.

2) What do you write (age target and general genres).

Adult - SciFi/Urban Fantasy

3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?


4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?

Prefer partners :) I often get super busy and have a hard time participating in group activities.

5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?

As needed. Some weeks I can pop out several chapters and others I can barely get out a few paragraphs.

6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?

Honest, knows the genres, grammar nazis please apply! Open minded and able to tell me if I became too technical or too far out of realistic expectations.

7) How can I contact you? (email)

Unknown said...

1) Hi, I'm Stacey and I'm a 30... something stay at home mother of 3 delightful children
2) I write YA Speculative Fiction and YA Fantasy.
3) I'm ready to begin querying my current ms, but have another in draft stages. I can critique now.
4) I'm looking for a long term connection with either a critique partner or a group.
5) I'm easy going with submitting to each other, I have plenty of time on my hands so I can critique at whatever level the other person wishes.
6) My weakness is grammar. I'm looking for both Beta readers and critique partners.
7) Contact me at

Anonymous said...

Q. Name and intro:
A. Cregg Stuart Hardwick ( ). I grew up in South Dakota during the Cold War, where the Wild West collided with the Space Age and the stars at night, were clear and bright…er…um…and I now live in Texas. My writing path has been long and twisty, but I take the craft seriously and am currently working on a graduate certificate in writing from UC Berkeley.

Q. What do you write?
A. Adult fiction. Science fiction is my first love, but I have a thriller (action adventure) in the works. I like stories that arise from intersections: of history and technology, science and religion, human nature and change. I’m not particularly fan of horror, fantasy, or what I call magical sci-fi. I’m a propositional fiction guy: put real characters in a logically consistent situation, make them follow the rules of that world, and shake until dizzy.

Q. Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting?
A. Oh golly, yes. I have a sci-fi novel in polish now.

Q. Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?
A. Ultimately, I would like a long-term critique partner, but I am also amenable to a group. I am a member of, and I like getting a diversity of opinions. It would be helpful to have access to more timely, focused, and interactive feedback, though.

Q. Submission frequency & quantity?
A. There is no wrong way to eat an Oreo cookie. Needs vary as a project matures.

Q. Feedback desired?
A. Objective, unbiased, and writerly. I don’t need someone to tell me how glowingly wonderful my work is. I need someone who can tell me where my words are not pulling the load, where I have gone off the deep end, and when I have garbled my mechanics.

Q. How can I contact you?

Unknown said...

1. Hunter Emkay, writing from Sydney Australia. However, my novel is set in the U.K.

2. I am writing suspense / psychological thrillers.

3. I have work ready to be submitted to a critique partner or group, by chapter. I am currently working through the fourth revision of that novel, with WIPs just starting on others.

4. I would prefer a very small group of one - four critique partners in the same genre. My Australian timing means that I may be available at different times to others in the group, but I'm not after group activities, just advice from anyone with the time and a good grip of the genre. I'm looking for a long term partnership with a person(s) with good sense of humour, and somebody who cares for my work and progress as much as I will theirs.

5. I am okay with any timings on submissions and feedback. I would prefer something a little more regularly than monthly - bi-weekly or weekly, with flexibility to fit individual workloads etc. I would like to work on chapter(s) - a couple, but again, can be flexible in that.

6. Honest feedback wanted. And the ability to accept my own. I'm after suggestions, thoughts, impressions, ideas, and yes - even line editing if and when it's needed.

7. Contact me via or my writing blog -

Brinda said...

1) I'm Brinda Berry, higher education grant administrator/web guru by day and writer at night.
2) I'm currently writing YA and New Adult fantasy/paranormal/sci-fi novels.
3) I have a completed MS and a WIP. Yes, I've got things I could exchange.
4)I'd like a critique partner.
5) I'd like to do weekly chapter(s) or pages, but I'm flexible on that.
6) Honest feedback
7) brinda (at) brindaberry (dot) com - website and blog

Anonymous said...

1. I'm Jessica Becker. I'm a mother of two young kids, teach high school photography, and I write whenever I can.
2. I write YA paranormal romance
3. I have a completed manuscript that I haven't ever stopped editing and am ready to move on to the next project.
4. I'd be interested in a critique partner or a group.
5. I'd prefer to do weekly or biweekly chapters, but I'm flexible.
6. Looking for honest feedback.
7. - blog

Marian Librarian said...

1. Kim. Geek-girl librarian dreamer writer.
2. Adult Fantasy
3. Yes, I am working on my final revisions for my WIP.
3. Critique Partner or Group? Either. I'd like as many voices as possible as long as they are helpful.
4.As needed, I understand we all have busy lies.
5. I'd like to submit a chapter a time.
6. Feedback? Honest suggestions for polish, consistency of voice, over all story as well as nitty gritty grammar mistakes.
7. marianmlibrarian at gmail

Diana said...
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Unknown said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.
Paula Sangare. I am a mother, daughter, sister, wife, and BFF. I love all things beauty and writing has always been a secret passion.
2) What do you write (age target and general genres).
YA Fantasy
3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?
4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?
I'm open to both
5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?
Weekly or Bi-weekly a chapter at a time.
6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?
I want the basics, as well as ideas on how I could maybe tighten a statement, or if it needs to be said differently to get my point across. I hope that answers this question.
7) How can I contact you? (email)

Anonymous said...

1) Dana W/A: Bobbi Romans. Mom of 5 and 1 foster son and now stay at home grandma.

2) All aspects of romance plus some. (Contemporary, erotic, paranormal and even a bit of horror that had romantic elements) All stories best for the over 18 crowd.

3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another? YES.

4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group? BOTH.

5) I can crit several chapters a week and post the same. If urgent (deadline looming) I will make every effort to accommodate.

6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for? Whatever is seen. Dull? Tell me. Grammar issue? Tell me. Flow issue? Tell me.

7) How can I contact you?

Need to check me out 1st?



(having an issue logging in with Google so using the anonymous-sorry)

Unknown said...

1) Ash. I'm a recent graduate currently working at a library.
2) I write YA. It depends on what genre, but my WIP currently is contemporary/supernatural/fantasy
3) Yes! Most definitely
4) Either is fine! I've never been in an online critique group, so it would be very interesting!
5) bi-weekly, and a chapter or two as the author sees fit, I think.
6) Constructive, both with an emphasis on grammar and content.

Jessica L. Celaya said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.
My name is Jessica. I own the best/most adorable cat and dog ever.

2) What do you write (age target and general genres).

I write YA Fantasy. I might someday jump into steampunk, or sci-fi, pretty much anything speculative. I'm also venturing into the realm of new adult too.

3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?
yes, I could.

4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?
A group would be nice, but a partner would be cool too.

5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?
Hmmm It depends on the length of the chapters and the number of the group. Once a week would be nice.

6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?
Just a new perspective. I have an awesome in-person crit group that gives me lots of help, but the queries are turning into nos so I need a different viewpoint to figure out what is wrong/how it can be better.

7) How can I contact you? (email)

jessica.foster 45 at

Romelle Broas said...

Interrupting this flow of critique group seekers to thank you for the explanation of what a beta reader is. I did not know that. I still feel like hiding under my rock though.

Selim Yeniceri said...

1) Hi, I’m Selim. I’m a writer, book translator, illustrator, musician, actor, and motivator.
2) I write spiritual fantasy, paranormal, and motivational books or novels, based on real life experiences, and getting ideas from my dreams (sometimes I write the entire story outline in my dreams, living through them as one of the characters, so when I wake up, all I have to do is to note them down). Since I translate books in various genres (many, don’t ask me, I can say whatever you can think of), I also feed my novels with the ideas and knowledge I get from the books I translate. My target audience can be YA to elders.
3) Yes, I can begin partnering right away.
4) I’m looking for a critique partner, not a group. (Too many cooks spoil the broth, I believe.)
5) I think bi-weekly or monthly would be great, because as I write among my translation works and other things, I will also have to read my partner’s work, so we will need time.
6) First of all, I want a partner who’s honest and objective. I criticize my own work quite harshly (but with a touch of good humor, trust me), due to the fact I was graduated from the oldest academy of fine arts in my country, so we were taught to be very serious when it comes to art. Storyline is very important for me, because especially in fantasy and sci-fi novels there must be a solid logical foundation.
7) You can always reach to me through my blog, or at

Aldrea Alien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are. Emily Mead, a teenaged cat-lover, dancer, Nerdfighter and writer (obviously).
2) What do you write (age target and general genres). YA contemporary.
3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another? Well. I have a WIP in first draft stage, if that's any help...which is why I NEED help!
4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group? Critique partner. I feel it's easier to submit and get to know each other's writing style.
5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)? I would go with weekly, then make adjustments as needed. One chapter at a time.
6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for? Harsh. Well, okay, I'd like critique feedback that's quite realistic and not TOO nit-picky - general things because it's in first draft stage.
7) How can I contact you? (email)

Clare said...
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Lyla said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.
Lyla--Coffee-addicted college kid whose favorite pastime is writing novels in remote corners of the campus performing arts center.

2) What do you write (age target and general genres).
Contemporary or Speculative Young Adult (I know. Kind of different.)

3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?
Yes! I'm halfway through a rewrite and desperately need fresh eyes.

4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?
I slightly prefer a group, but I'm totally fine with either.

5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?
Monthly would be best (I like deadlines, but I have homework.). I'd probably have 2-3 chapters ready to go each time.

6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?
I could really use help with bigger-picture issues like pacing, plot/character arc, clarity, although I will happily take suggestions about anything.

7) How can I contact you? (email)

Unknown said...

1) My name is Mia Siegert, I'm 26-years-old and a Goddard MFA graduate.

2) I write literary fiction, but REALLY would like to dabble in older YA. My protagonists tend to be young gay men, and most of my work revolves around the dirty, competitive equestrian world. My style leans into lyrical prose.

3) Yes. I've started a new novel that I feel has a lot of potential, but am absolutely terrified of botching it up. I also am in the very, very earliest stages of what I hope would be a YA novel about twins, definitely on the literary side.

4) Open minded to critique partner or group. I'm having grad school withdrawal.

5) Ideally, I'd prefer to submit weekly or bi-weekly.

6) Ideal partner to be able to guide me through plot with general constructive critique as well, and call me out if my younger characters seem too naive. I don't want someone who will be cruel when tearing it apart (comments like "This is just bad" doesn't help me).

7) siegert.mia(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro:

Jadzia Brandli--eighteen years old, goofball, lazy, I wear my pajamas all day.

2) What do I write:

I write YA. I've written a SF, a contemp, a paranormal, and what I am tentatively calling an urban fantasy. I think I'm finding I like writing a story in a contemporary setting with a twist.

3) Ready:

I'm doing a few edits to my maybe-urban fantasy. I could start working with a CP's MS immediately and may need a few days to a week before my MS will be ready.

4) Looking for:

Critique Partner.

5) Submission preferences:

I'd prefer to send my whole book to a CP and have them work on it when they have the time, if that's fine with them. For my CP, I can do it however they'd like. Weekly, monthy, two chapters, three chapters...

6) Critique feedback:

I'm looking for pace/flow, voice, believability, charactarization, plot, but am also open to grammatical/word choice feedback.

7) Contact:


Aldrea Alien said...

1) Aldrea. Been writing for 15 years.

2) I write for an adult audience, though a few of my stories could be closer to NA in content. Mostly Fantasy with a few Science Fantasies and a Paranormal trilogy getting an overhaul.
Forgot to mention before that my books all have a thick cord of romance. ^_^

3) Yes. I have three MS that are ready for submitting: Fantasy, Paranormal or Science Fantasy.

4) CP or Group, though I've never tried a group critique before.

5) Weekly submitting by chapters would be best.

6) Above all else, I want honest feedback.

7) aldreaalien(at)

Info about my stories on my blog:

Kissed by Ink said...

1) My name is Amy. I am a middle school language arts teacher who loves all things YA.

2) I write mostly contemporary YA, but am delving a little into noir.

3) I have a contemporary YA that is ready.

4) I'd love to find a critique partner.

5) My preference would be bi-weekly to submit or as needed. I am pretty flexible. I'd also be flexible on what I'd submit, but a few chapters or the whole thing would work for me. This will all depend on what my critique partner prefers.

6) The feedback I am looking for includes: plot holes, general connectedness, and any other constructive feedback that is needed. I am also asking for honesty, not someone who will love it all:)


Johana Vera said...

1) Johana Vera, from Paraguay.
2) I write Young Adult , with an intended target of +15. The genre of the project I’m working on right now is paranormal/fantasy, with characters based on figures of my country’s folklore.
3) No, but I should be ready at the end of this month. Early chapters are good to go, though.
4) Either.
5) Preferably weekly, but I’m okay with “as needed”, too. Two chapters per submission works awesomely.
6) Brutal, raw honesty. I want to know exactly what’s not working for my story, no sugarcoating it.
7) My e-mail:
My Blog:

Rachel said...

1) My name is Rachel. I'm 26, live in Pittsburgh, PA, studied creative writing, and love history.
2) I write mostly YA (and some short stories) with elements of Dark Romanticism and Magical Realism (though no vampires, demons, etc...think more gothic.)
3) Yes! I have a completed manuscript (YA historical) and am working on a second New Adult.
4) Either would be great!
5) Weekly or bi-weekly would be great!
6) Honest, especially when it comes to dialogue.

My website is You can also find me at @rachelpiso.

Diana Gallagher said...

1) Diana, twenty-something writing teacher with an MFA.
2) YA and adult contemporary. Especially love sports-related stories and sweet romance.
3) I currently have an unfinished WIP in its infancy, so not yet -- but soon. I wouldn't mind reading while I'm still working at mine.
4) Either is fine. With the right dynamics, a group could be cool.
5) As needed. I can be flexible with the amount of chapters, etc.
6) I'm interested in feedback on character arcs & motivation, as well as pacing/plot. I prefer positive yet constructive feedback, as well as someone who would like to bounce ideas back and forth. Also, anyone who's skilled with and enjoys query workshopping would be especially awesome. ;-)
7) diana.m.gallagher at

Thanks for setting this up, Deana!

Unknown said...

1) Beth, 22-year-old Creative Writing MFA grad student.

2) YA/Upper YA, usually with a sports theme

3) Yes. I have a complete manuscript ready and I have time to read another person's manuscript and give feedback as well.

4) I am open to either a partner or a group.

5) Weekly or as needed, as for the amount, whatever is needed at the time. If it's 2 chapters, fine, but if its the entire manuscript that's fine too.

6) In depth feedback addressing plot, character, voice, etc.

7) Please email me at if you are interested. You are also welcome to check out my blog

Kathleea said...

YA, MG and Adult but mostly YA fantasy
published with small presses/Kindle
mss ready (two actually)and a WIP
group or cp
looking for feedback on plot/character/voice etc.
I am at: gaelicfairie(at) gmail (dot)com
my websites are:

Rebecca Ethington said...

1) I’m Rebecca Ethington, I am new to the novelists world but not new to the writing world
2) It’s kind of all over – I guess you would qualify them as young adult, but the sub genres vary.
3) Yep I am.
4) Mostly just a critique partner
5) I would probably just want an as needed submission, and the format and amount is really up to the author. I prefer whole ms’ but whatever works.
6) Personally I am looking for in depth thoughts and opinions and on the rare occasion, suggestions
7) I can be contacted at or at

Unknown said...

1) Jennifer Kreft, a former ad chick who now writes books while raising my three kids. (I'm lucky to have a hubby to pay the bills.)
2) Contemporary YA--and one fantasy, plus one mystery/romance for grownups.
3) Oh yeah.
4) Either would be great. My current online critque group seems to have dispersed.
5) Weekly, a few chapters at a time.
6) Honest, consistent feedback from someone who's been at this at least as long as I have (5 years).
7) contact:

Ani said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.
-My name is Ani and I work in the Entertainment industry while moonlighting as a writer. xD
2) What do you write (age target and general genres).
-I write YA urban, paranormal, and speculative fantasy.
3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another?
-Yes. I have one project I'm currently working on (5 chapters finished) and one completed that's going into the 3rd draft phase.
4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?
-Critique partner
5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?
-Weekly or as needed. I also like sending by chapter for the new material and am flexible with the finished MS. I don't have a preference for the completed MS as far as time, but I'm trying to finish 2 chapters a week minimum for the new project. Having a deadline helps to achieve that goal. xD
6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?
-As detailed as the person is willing to go. Problems with grammar, continuity, pace, structure, flow, character development, 'fluff' material, etc.
7) How can I contact you? (email)

Midnight Musings said...
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Todd R Moody said...

1) I'm Todd Moody, married, 4 kids, Air Force pilot, planning on transitioning to full-time writer.

2) I write in the science fiction genre, probably categorized as adventure with a dab of romance. I've been at this seriously for four and a half years and my first novel length book is nearly done after multiple revisions.

3) I am ready to start submitting.

4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group? A group would be great, but I would also be happy with a partner that likes SciFi.

5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)? I am willing to do whatever fits the group/partner. I am devoted to it and my turn arounds are pretty fast.

6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for? Looking for the full meal deal. Substance, plot issues, grammar, whatever needs tweaking.

7) I can be reached at kardaen at gmail dot com.

Amanda Salisbury said...

1) Amanda Salisbury. I'm a writer, lawyer, mother, and business woman, some of which I do primarily so I can write more.
2) I write young adult and political fiction, as well as nonfiction business theory.
3) Yes. Living in a silo is no way to live.
4) Yes! I'm looking for both a critique partner and a group.
5) I'd prefer to submit as needed, a few chapters at a time.
6) I'm looking for constructive criticism ranging from grammar and mechanics to plot and character development.
7) You may contact me at

Dr Margaret Aranda said...

1) I'm a doctor who was in a car accident who was a patient who is now a doctor again.
2) (a) Adult Non-Fiction, Christian; (b) Women and Menopause, medical; and (c) Children's Books for 2-year-olds.
3) I'm ready to submit now.
4) I'd like a Group to get to know a few Authors.
5) Weekly is great. A Chapter at a Time.
6) Anything and everything!

...and thank you....!

Jenny said...

1) I'm Jenny, and I'm a graduate student in Logic and Philosophy of Science. I teach Philosophy and Economics.
2) I write adult literary fiction (though I've been told to call it "mainstream" because calling it "literary fiction" is code for "will only sell 500 copies.")
3) I'm ready to submit my work to a critique partner or a beta reader.
4) I'm looking for either a cp or a beta reader.
5) I have no real preference for how often to submit to each other. I'm just doing some last polishes on this book before moving to the next one.
6) I appreciate honest, constructive feedback. Line edits are fine, but I really want to know if there are big-picture problems.
7) You can contact me via e-mail.
Email: jenny.c.herrera at
Twitter: JennyMHerrera

Anonymous said...

1) Hi! I'm Jenn Haight (hipmamajenn on Twitter & Blog) I have an MLS, a pop culture blog and am working on my first novel.

2) I’m writing a realistic YA novel and am in the revision phase. I'm only weeks away from having a solid first draft!

3) I have sections of work that are ready for critique now but within a month (or so) I should have my entire manuscript ready for critique.

4) Ideally I'd love to find a critique group locally (Houston area) so that we could meet in person. At this point however, I'd appreciate any feedback!

5) I'd like to start with a chapter critique and go from there. I feel that a weekly schedule would be ideal.

6) I’m looking for general opinions (on pace, character development, etc.), but am mostly curious to see if I've succeeded in creating an interesting story.

7) Email:
Twitter: hipmamajenn

Amanda Foody said...

1. Howdy! I'm Amanda. Currently a college freshman, English major, a tea drinker, strangely like Jess from the show New Girl, and an aspiring literary agent.

2. YA speculative. Querying a YA epic fantasy and working on (and looking for beta readers for) my YA fantasy steampunk that I'm in love with.

3. I'm ready to start when you are!

4. I've never been in a group before. I'd rather just beta readers, but if someone can tell me the advantages of the group, I could change my mind. I just neet readers who are really honest and as serious about writing as I am.

5. I would like a test chapter critique to see if I like your critiquing style and if you like mine. Also, I have to like your ms as well. 1-2 chapters at a time would be great, weekly or so.

6. I'm looking for people to tell me what confuses them (I don't explain well), where my description is lacking, characters, and general plot. I also need some in-line edits. I have a good feeling about this ms, but I also can be a writing perfectionist.

7. Email:
Twitter: @AmandaFoody

Sarah J. said...

1) Sarah J. Clift. I keep the J because regular sarahcliftdotcom was taken. And my dad calls me Sarah J., so it has sentimental value. I have a degree in writing from BYU, a husband, and three daughters ("No one ever warns you about raising daughters. You think it's going to be like 'Little Women' but instead they're at eachother's throats." Who loves Downton? :)

2) YA - I'm quering a paranormal and working on a contemporary.

3) Absolutely!

4) Group or partner. I'm not picky.

5) I prefer to submit at least a chapter weekly.

6) I want people to help me see things in my manuscript that are confusing or boring. I want to make it the best story it can be.

7) Email:
Twitter: @SarahJClift

Becky Fyfe said...

1) Name and a one sentence intro of who you are.
Rebecca Fyfe - I am a Californian who has been living in the UK for over 10 years with my English husband and our seven children.

2) What do you write (age target and general genres).
I write in more than one genre and for different age groups. Currently, I am working on 3 picture books, one middle grade chapter book and several YAs. I am also writing one romance novel and one non-fiction book. With the exception of the non-fiction book and the picture books, I write mostly paranormal stories.

3) Are you ready to jump right in and begin submitting your work to another? I'm always nervous when putting my work out there for critique, but it's the only way to improve, so I'm ready.

4) Are you looking for a critique partner or a group?
I'm looking for a critique partner. :)

5) Would you prefer to submit weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed? And how much would you like to submit each time (chapter, 2 chapters, etc)?
Weekly - 1,200 to 2,000 words.

6) What kind of critique feedback are you looking for?
Anything that can help me improve the story.

7) How can I contact you? (email)
Rebecca [at] Fyfe [dot] net